My fight in a twisted way.

Battle link

It is the end of the season and adrenalines are really high right now for leaderboard race and for league placement. Everyone is racing to get to the top and highest league possible before the season ends. I am also racing towards a better league and at the same time trying to finish up my quest.

With a level 5 and 6 summoner, champions league is very difficult to play. All thanks to my maxed epic legendary summoners like Camila and Daria Dragonscale, they have both helped me attain new ratings. Maybe new league will be achieved this season with a little push.

For this week splinterlands challenge, I have been lucky to win numerous battles with my twisted jester but I am opting for this one battle in particular.


For this battle

Mana Cap is 15

Rule Set:
Silenced Summoners : Summoners do not give any stats buff or debuffs or grant/use any abilities
Heavy Hitlers: All monsters have the knockout ability

Active summoners: Water, Earth and Death

Battle Analysis

For this battle, I went with death because I was in a territory where my cards are powerless and limited and from viewing my opponent's card previously used in battles, I knew Death was my best bet. Also because with death summoner, I am open to endless low mana monsters with superb abilities.

Hence, my choosing:


My dearest Zintar Mortalis with its powerful summoning ability which has been silenced in this battle but I still needed my opponent to cower in fear when facing my level 6 summoner, funny right?. It worked though. Now looking at the uploaded picture, zintar and twisted jester looks like


For my first monster, I placed the haunted spirit as the captain of the ship, for his blunt force attack and self healing ability. The spirit is capable of holding this post for as long as its health will allow. It will also guard itself incase of any magical oppression by reflecting it back to the sender.


As its name implies, Skeleton Assassin is all bones with no flesh and an accurate guard for its sneak ability. It also helps attack the enemy with its long lasting poison that reduces the enemy's life in every round.


Contrary to his name, the man of the hour twisted jester according to his lore is said to not be here for our amusement. He is always in rage due to past occurrences which makes his mind twisted and rages by always throwing his axe at his enemies. He is one of the most powerful guard of the dark eternal which earned him the head quard of the lord of darkness. We can see why he is worthy of this title in the way he targets the enemy's monsters in the middle and the back line. With his ability to dodge melee and ranged attack, he was very useful for my defense.

To join this game, kindly follow this link

May the battle win always be in your favour.
