Our Erised mirror within'our Souls - the Secret chamber ...


Sometimes, we can imagine that we are like Harry Potter in front of the Erised/Desire Mirror :-)

In a chamber that's very secret and still can be accessed from within'...

It's almost like an OFB experience, where, you have the feeling like there's an entity who is watching you ...

Maybe even inside this cryptonian field, there is like an All Seeing Eye that is watching every step, every platform you are investing in and so on ...

Still, we all have our secret chamber with the Erised Mirror, but, most of us forgot to access it and it's almost like when we've closed the door on that secret chamber and we've lost the key to open it ...

Maybe this photo will bring us that picture of our Soul, the Observer and the Great Architect watching on our own actions/journeys through the deserts of infinite worlds ...


I think this photo shows us lots of inner secrets ...

Every soul has its own secret chamber like this one, but most of them got trapped inside this spectrum of lost illusions ...

Maybe even with this new world out there who's developing on this virtual cryptonian spectrum is somehow a part of this illusion ...

We are witnessing one of the most relevant moment inside this world of crypto ... this very "bull-runish" action that is happening right now and somehow is eating most of the souls within this crypto market ...

Maybe it will be another cool lesson, for most of the people ...

A correction will occur very soon ... and who will have enough time, will be able to hide inside its own chamber of its inner Erised mirror and will stand in front of its own mirror, maybe, to find its Soul and laugh loud regarding all those hilarious actions that took place right in front of their very own eyes ...

Maybe will be just alone, with that secret Observer ...


When we play inside encrypted spaces, we all know that the jinn is waiting to try to sell us temptations ... Will you be strong and not get trapped inside the illusoric world of the Erised/Desire mirror ?

Hopefully we won't be invaded by jinns like Darth Maul :-))


I guess that we will witness on some actions that will shock the entire new world, the entire encrypted market but we shall stay strong ...

Meanwhile, i am curious to see if the big #whales will visit my blog and will take it under the protocol of #curation or maybe we will continue here as well the interesting days, where the art/music/lego are considered just some simple things :-)

May the Force be with us ...

Ciao a tutti

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
