Live from Mr. Photos office: An Announcement from Eythorphoto!


Greetings fellow #dCity zen´s.

It is a delight to announce that i will once again be running for the #dCity presidency.

As the game has recently gone through a phase of expansion in the numbers of players actively playing the game, In a way one might say that the game has grown, matured, ad so have in my opinion the duties of the presidency!

I feel it no longer adequate to shit-post about burning down police stations and beheading my opponents.
I feel obligated towards the new players as well as the old ones to write a short description of my priorities if elected president, as well as to pursue to the best of my capabilities those goals.

My goals for the coming term!

  • The new players and "Player retention"

As stated above we have recently had a surge of new players, however to insure continued growth, getting new players is simply just not enough. It is important for us all and our investment in the SIM economy to get those players active for the long term.

I have the feeling that due to the game's appeared complexity, when starting out as a new player can be a bit overwhelming.
As well as constant disasters, wars, taxes and crime keep grinding their cities down. To the point of losing interest and abandoning their investment.

It will be my priority as a president if elected to defend the little guys investment. This i wil do by relaxing my Warmongering ways, this term a war will not be my first priority as it has been.

(No worried there will be war, but i wil aim at keeping it about 50-60% ish of the time). The current presidents "appeasement" policy has only empowered our enemies and @d-pend is starting to remind me of Neville Chamberlain himself as he was kissing Hitlers ass as Hitler was building planes to bomb Coventry!


There must be some war "GOD WILLS IT!"


I also just NEEDED to post this God Wills it meme, and this run for presidency might all be just one big elaborate scheme to do so!.

However, as well as promising to be good with the amount of war tax, my campaign promise is to maintain a tax policy aimed at the small to medium cities to keep a good portion of their SIM income.

Keeping those new players strengthens us all!

As well as keeping these needs in mind i will be an active president in answering and helping out those who reach out to me.

And right there is my second point about player retention, as has been said starting out can be a bit of a hill too climb becouse of this i am happy to announce that if elected i will re-start the economic stimulus grants too cities that apply. from the presidential salary. i would use 70% of presidential salary at least in giveaways to applicant cities. In building cards and hard SIM payments!

# Promotion of the game to the outside world

As a president I would pledge to do my part in promoting the game to the outside world, this would be done by writing of posts and articles on various internet media. This i think should be demanded of all presidents from here on after.

During my last presidency for example, i posted and harassed @achimmertens the maker of "Weekly Statistics For Tokens" into including the SIM token into his weekly reports.
I would of course aim at keeping my eyes open for similar opportunities s the president.

Active burns will continue, and keep targeting police stations!

I would of course as president re-start my trademark burns i am and will be a burning president, however only 30% of Salary can go to the stakes this time, since 70% is already allocated in to "economic stimulus" packages.

To compensate for this, I intend to make a "raffle" of sorts, where the winner will receive a military industrial complex or

One share is gained by provably burning down a Police station card, posting the proof as a screenshot from the games "explorer", in the comments below and liking the post.

As last time and the time before, the motto is "F*** the police" and i will target that card specifically for my DAILY BURNS this term if elected president again.

With the above-mentioned goals in mind, I am certain that we can continue to see our beloved SIM economy flourish, our investment grow, make new friends and business connections, while having some fun and even a f***-ing raffle!


Have a great day, thank you to those who read, and thank you for your trust and support if i get your vote as #dCity president!

Yours truly!


Beneficiaries from this post:
@dcityrewards 15%
@homeless-city 15%






Let's get this election started!



you´ve got that right... just thinking back to the dayz of "economic stimulus"...

We can achive this again! VOTE EYTHORPHOTO!


