Cycles of Human Soul Growth ; Experiment,Fail,Learn,Repeat.


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Do you remember the first time you venture into something new in life? Something that you never been through before? Or something that unknown to you that you want to experience for the first time. Do you 100 percent succeed at the first attempt? I'm very sure you most likely to fail for the first time. But if you have a passion for what you trying to do, you will learn from the failure, open to constructive feedback and try again. This applies to everything in life. You are not a loser or a failure if you fail in your first attempt to build something in your life. Everything we humans do in life is an experiment. We learn through our experiment. Then repeat the whole process until we finally grasp what it is we need to learn from the experiment that we going through in life. Nobody got the perfect result in the first round of the experiment/attempt.
Often human judge too harsh. Everyone can sit on the armchair without doing anything and giving out their judgment and criticism. But, if you put this same person into the situation of the person that they are judging, I wonder if they can get success results at their first attempt as they expect of the person they were judging.

Your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not yours, if we happen to cross path may we encourage each other and move on so everyone feel the boosted strength to go through whatever challenges they facing in their life journey. Life is too short for hate. In the end, our soul growth all depends on our experiments, failure, and lesson that we learn from those failures we had in life. Life is so boring if everything we do for the first time is successful right away at every first attempt.
As a fellow human on this planet Earth, may we encourage each other if we happen to meet on a certain path of our journey. Love, Peace and Abundance.


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