Cifrado anglosajón o Americano| un poco de historia no viene mal


Cifrado anglosajón o Americano| un poco de historia no viene mal


El cifrado Americano como coloquialmente se le llama al sistema de notación musical Anglosajón es el sistema de enumeración de las notas existentes en la escala musical.

Timmy:¿Nat, que quieres decir con esto?

Buena pregunta pequeño Timmy. Pues mira te explico, este sistema tan bonito el cual usamos hoy en día para toda la musica que hacemos, proviene de esos señores que esculpían bloques de mármol gigantes, bebían mas vino que agua,utilizaban las sabanas de sus casas como vestimentas, tenían dioses que se apareaban con animales y hacían trovas con todo lo mencionado anteriormente.


Estos señores de barbas chistosas y juegos olímpicos, crearon este sistema utilizando desde la letra alfa hasta la letra gamma, siendo alfa=La y gamma=Sol. Esto se supo hasta hace poco por las composiciones como el epitafio de Seikilos y los tres himnos de Mesomedes de Creta.

Timmy:Wow, no sabia nada de eso.

Tu tranquilo que esto se pone mejor.

Con la llegada de la cultura latina al norte de Europa, esta nomenclatura (que ya había sido transliterada por los romanos), arraigó y con el paso de los siglos se extendería a Alemania, Inglaterra y a sus colonias.


Foto sacada de

la importancia del Jazz en la historia del cifrado.


El Jazz desde sus inicios siempre fue grandioso, su técnica en cuanto acordes y melodía siempre han sido muy llamativas. Pero todo ese control entre los instrumentistas fue gracias a utilizar dicho cifrado, ellos fueron unos de los pioneros en popularizar el cifrado en el siglo 20, temas como Fly me to the moon y personajes celebres del género como Django Reinhardt escribieron sus grandes temas con este metodo.


Aprendiendo esta técnica pueden aprender cualquier canción con el suficiente entrenamiento de memorización, así que ¿Que estas esperando por hacerlo pequeño Timmy?

Gracias por ver esta clase.



Now the big question is: What was before the Romans invented the music alphabet?

Is Timmy one of your scholars? Or you take a more fictional route here, maybe inspired by the great Greek philosophers who wrote their books in conversational forms as well :)


haha good question my good man, so much so that I could not even answer it with such precision but I will try to do so from the knowledge I have.
Before there was not much language for music itself, the Egyptians also had their own language, which was lost with the arrival of Greek to their land, was something easy to understand despite being in a foreign language. Soon after that it became the basis for much more music in the near and distant future.

As for Timmy, I consider him as a representation of the innocence and purity of many of us when we are learning something new and we are out of our comfort zone, I had many students that looked like Timmy in many of his aspects, but the Timmy that I briefly presented to you was a representation of me when I didn't even know how to put my fingers on the strings😸


I knew I wasn't asking a simple question 😉 Thanks for your attempt to try and answer 🙃

Timmy: I thought so this person was 'fictional', ie the conversation style you used, was not a rerun of a real converstation. I do very much like such style. A style only a few people use these days. I believe it was Plato who used this style for most of his work. I never tried to write like that and am not sure if my mind is wired in a way I canmaster the art of writing in a conversational style. Certainly something I will dig in a little deeper, sometime in the future 🌞

ps You seem to write these comments without using some form of translator. At least, I think you write in English. To increase the value of your posts, you may consider to write in your language as well as in English, eg combine both languages in the same post (either per paragraph, or first section one language and second section English... I prefer the later, but this is subjective). Added to that, you than can add something like [ES/EN] to your post title. This will increase the change someone will open the post when the first lines in the post are not writen in a language the user understands. For your posts (and others) I use a translator, but many don't and simply skip the post.


Wow I am really grateful for the advice you gave me, I was thinking the same thing last night before I went to sleep haha. I'm already taking steps to write in English, but thank you very much for your advice. I promise that next time I will make you not have to use the translator to enjoy my content
