Restaurant 1830. Two architectural cultures in the same place [ESP-ENG]



Hello Architecture+Design friends, today I want to share a very unique place, where design and architecture unite two cultures, the Spanish with its typical colonial design and the Japanese. It is a beautiful house by the sea, which is currently the Cultural Complex 1830, which includes a restaurant with beautiful rooms, a bar, an area in the back called Los Jardines, an area where at night shows are offered with orchestras and during the day it is rented for activities, children's birthdays, etc.. In addition, there is a very curious place called Isla Japonesa (Japanese Island) on an islet after Los Jardines.
It had been more than 3 years since I had visited this beautiful place, last Friday I received an invitation from a co-worker who wanted to celebrate her grandson's birthday there and I went. I must admit that the place is not as glamorous as it used to be, but it still captivates me. As I always do, I looked for someone responsible for the place and they let me access some areas and take pictures, I am very happy because I can show them.
This place is located at the end of Malecón Street and 22nd Street in the Vedado neighborhood of the Plaza de la Revolución municipality of Havana, at the entrance of one of the tunnels that connects the Plaza de la Revolución and Playa municipalities, under the Almendares River.

Hola amigos de Arquitectura+Diseño, hoy quiero compartir un lugar muy singular, donde el diseño y la arquitectura unen dos culturas, la española con su típico diseño colonial y la japonesa. Se trata de una hermosa casa junto al mar, que actualmente es el Complejo Cultural 1830, que incluye un restaurante con hermosos salones, un bar, una zona en la parte posterior llamada Los Jardines, un área donde por la noche se ofrecen espectáculos con orquestas y durante el día se alquila para actividades, cumpleaños infantiles, etc. Además, hay un lugar muy curioso denominado Isla Japonesa en una isleta después de Los Jardines.
Hacía más de 3 años que no visitaba este precioso lugar, el viernes pasado recibí una invitación de una compañera de trabajo que quería celebrar el cumpleaños de su nieto ahí y fui. He de reconocer que el lugar no es tan glamuroso como en otro momento, pero no deja de cautivarme. Como siempre hago, busqué a algún responsable del lugar y me dejaron acceder a algunas zonas y hacer fotos , me alegro mucho porque se los puedo enseñar.
Este lugar se encuentra al final de la calle Malecón y la calle 22 en el barrio del Vedado del municipio Plaza de la Revolución de La Habana, en la entrada de uno de los túneles que une los municipios Plaza de la Revolución y Playa, bajo el río Almendares.



I always thought that this construction corresponded to a beautiful house of rich people in colonial times converted into a restaurant today, so I was very surprised to learn when I began to investigate, that it was a restaurant from its beginnings, built in the late nineteenth century, this building had several owners being later the Hotel La Mar and became a Villa called Miramar, without losing its fame in the restoration, until in 1958, one of its owners sold it to the Currais family, who already had the famous Restaurant La Zaragozana, which they had founded in 1830, that is why they gave this name to the new acquisition "Restaurant 1830", becoming one of the most famous in Havana.

Siempre pensé que esta construcción correspondía a una hermosa casa de gente rica en la época colonial convertida en un restaurante en la actualidad, por lo que me sorprendió mucho saber cuando comencé a investigar, que fue un restaurante desde sus inicios, construido a finales del siglo XIX, este edificio tuvo varios dueños siendo posteriormente el Hotel La Mar y se convirtió en una Villa llamada Miramar, sin perder su fama en la restauración, hasta que en 1958, uno de sus propietarios lo vendió a la familia Currais, que ya tenía el famoso Restaurante La Zaragozana, que habían fundado en 1830, por eso le dieron este nombre a la nueva adquisición "Restaurante 1830", convirtiéndose en uno de los más famosos de La Habana.


The building is very colorful and has a beautiful and luxurious design, it has a neoclassical style, which is observed in the main facade in the entrance portal with beautiful arches and ornate columns next to them, on both sides of the portal there are windows of small wooden shutters with glass, typical of colonial buildings, there are round, petal-shaped and rectangular.
At the top there are balconies of turned wood and tile roofs that give it a very nice look and as always I love the ornaments of the cornices of the balconies that protrude.

El edificio es muy vistoso y tiene un hermoso y lujoso diseño, tiene un estilo neoclásico, el cual se observa en la fachada principal en el portal de entrada con hermosos arcos y columnas ornamentadas junto a ellos, a ambos lados del portal se observan ventanas de pequeños postigos de madera con vidrio, típicas de las construcciones coloniales, las hay redondas, en forma de pétalo y rectangulares.
En la parte superior hay balcones de madera torneada y techos de teja que le dan un aspecto muy bonito y como siempre me encantan los adornos de las cornisas de los balcones que sobresalen.


The door is spectacular, its shape coincides with the arch of the portal, it is of turned broce with colonial ornaments, and has shutters with crystals, it is a very elegant door, the floors of the portal are granite.

La puerta es espectacular, su forma coincide con el arco del portal, es de broce torneado con adornos coloniales, y tiene postigos con cristales, es una puerta muy elegante, los pisos del portal son de granito.


The entrance hall is beautiful with a large red carpet that leads to the living rooms, in that area there is colonial style furniture upholstered in red, there are mirrors, ornaments, statues, coffee tables, everything harmonizes. On the walls there are defined arches topped with ornaments, beautiful cornices that give a stately air to the space.

Al atravesar la puerta parece que nos transportamos al siglo XIX instantáneamente, es una belleza el vestíbulo de entrada con una gran alfombra roja que conduce a los salones, en esa zona hay muebles de estilo colonial tapizados en rojo, hay espejos, adornos, estatuas, mesas de centro, todo armoniza. En las paredes hay arcos definidos rematados con adornos, hermosas cornisas que dan un aire señorial al espacio.


In the center of the foyer there is a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the upper floor and across an oval which is an interior balcony surrounded by a beautiful railing, I could not go up to see it up close because they are doing repairs on this floor which is where three of the salons are located including the imperial.

En el centro del vestíbulo hay una hermosa lámpara que cuelga del techo de la planta superior y atraviesa un óvalo que es un balcón interior rodeado por una hermosa barandilla, no pude subir a verlo de cerca porque están haciendo reparaciones en esta planta que es donde se encuentran tres de los salones incluida la imperial.


On one side there is a staircase that leads to the second floor, very beautiful marble staircase with turned bronze railings as well as the main door. We will continue the tour on the second floor and see the 4 beautiful halls: Red, Violet, Gold and Tropical.

A un lado hay una escalera que lleva al segundo piso muy bonita de mármol con barandillas de bronce torneado al igual que la puerta principal. Continuaremos el recorrido en el primer piso y veremos los 4 hermosos salones: Rojo, Violeta, Oro y Tropical.


There is a large arched metal, wood and glass door dividing the foyer from the lounges and there are also doors like this one to divide the lounges.

Hay una gran puerta blanca en forma de arco de metal, madera y cristal que divide el vestíbulo de los salones y también hay puertas como estas para dividir los salones.


The Gold room has orange painted walls and white painted ceilings, columns, cornices and golden ornaments, in this as in the rest are reserved for receptions, celebrations, groups of tourists are attended and in case of not being reserved, a la carte service is given.

El salón Oro tiene las paredes pintadas de naranja y los techos y columnas pintados de blanco,las cornisas y decoraciones dorados, en este como en el resto se reservan para recepciones, celebraciones, se atienden grupos de turistas y en caso de no estar reservado, se da servicio a la carta.



The Red and Violet rooms are next to each other, in the violet one there is a big stove in the center and at the end a piano that serves to animate the visitors. The red one is the one I like the most, it has many curtains, on the walls the decorations imitate columns and it is much more intimate, it is smaller, for small or private meetings in all the rooms the cornices and details are painted according to the name of the room.

Los salones Rojo y Violeta están uno al lado del otro, en el violeta hay una gran estufa en el centro y al final un piano que sirve para animar a los visitantes. El rojo es el que más me gusta, tiene muchas cortinas, en las paredes las decoraciones imitan columnas y es mucho más íntimo, es más pequeño, para reuniones pequeñas o privadas en todos los salones las cornisas y detalles están pintados según el nombre del salón.


The last room on this floor is the tropical room, which is painted in a deep green color which gives it an air of freshness and has beautiful stained glass windows, the wall decorations are painted white,

La última sala de esta planta es la sala tropical, que está pintada de color verde intenso lo que le da un aire de frescura y tiene unas bonitos vitrales en las ventanas, las decoraciones de las paredes están pintadas de color blanco,



Leaving the last room is the garden area, where the birthday party I attended was held, it is an open area full of vegetation, a wall of balusters borders the end of the facility that overlooks the sea. From this area you can see the glass doors of the last room and its stained glass windows and a terrace on the second floor.

Saliendo de la última sala está la zona del jardín, donde se celebraba la fiesta de cumpleaños a la que asistí, es una zona abierta llena de vegetación, un muro de balaustres bordea el extremo de la instalación que da al mar. Desde esta zona se pueden ver las puertas de cristal del último salón y sus vidrieras y una terraza en la segunda planta.



Next, there is an islet which is accessed by a small bridge,I want to show it because it is a spectacular place, although I must admit that the abandonment of this place made me very sad, it was always such a striking place, worth visiting and admiring that is called Japanese Island.

A continuacioon, hay un isleta a la que se accede pasando por un pequeño puente, quiero mostrarlo porque es un lugar espectacular, aunque debo reconocer que el abandono de este lugar me entristeció mucho, siempre fue un lugar tan llamativo, digno de visitar y admirar que se llama Isla Japonesa.


The workers of the place explained to me that it was badly damaged when Havana was hit by cyclone Irma, which caused its foundations to be damaged and an underwater reconstruction was needed to repair it, they are trying to recover it, for the moment it is not allowed to pass, but they allowed me to pass by and take pictures so they could see it. It is a shame that a place like this is lost.

Los trabajadores del lugar me explicaron que quedó muy dañada cuando La Habana fue azotada por el ciclón Irma, lo que provocó que sus cimientos se dañaran y se necesita una reconstrucción bajo el agua para repararla, están tratando de recuperarla, por el momento no dejan pasar hacia ella, pero me permitieron pasar y tomar fotos para que pudieran verla. Es una pena que un lugar como este se pierda.



It was designed by the Japanese engineer Nasagade in other times a tour was made to tourists so they could appreciate, it had a point of sale of refreshments and was very visited by lovers, It is built of stone and snails, there are walls adorned with snail shells.

Fue diseñado por el ingeniero japonés Nasagade en otros tiempos se hacía un recorrido a los turistas para que pudieran apreciar, tenía un punto de venta de refrescos y era muy visitado por los enamorados, Está construido de piedra y caracoles, hay paredes adornadas con conchas de caracoles.



There is a small balcony with rock balusters and the ceiling is a stone arch. There are very beautiful figures of Japanese culture, but I could not tell you the meaning.

Hay un pequeño balcón con balaustres de roca y el techo es un arco de piedra. Hay figuras de la cultura japonesa muy bonitas, pero no sabría decirte el significado.

Diseño sin título-26.jpg

Diseño sin título.jpg

The island is like a small labyrinth full of corridors, bridges, stairs, everywhere there are places to sit or just look out to contemplate the sea, it is a pity its state, I have been there a lot, I liked it very much, I took my son when he was little, I hope they recover it.

La isla es como un pequeño laberinto lleno de pasillos, puentes, escaleras, por todas partes hay lugares para sentarse o simplemente asomarse a contemplar el mar, es una pena su estado, yo he estado mucho allí, me gustó mucho, llevé a mi hijo cuando era pequeño, espero que lo recuperen.


Well friends this tour was very extensive although it could not be complete but this place deserved this tour, I hope you enjoyed it and will agree with me that it merges history, architecture, beauty and design. Greetings to all

Bueno amigos este recorrido fue muy extenso aunque no se pudo ver todo pero este lugar merecía este recorrido, espero que lo hayan disfrutado y coincidan conmigo en que fusiona historia, arquitectura, belleza y diseño. Saludos a todos


The photos were taken with my Huawei P20 lite phone.
Use Translator DeepL

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Huawei P20 lite
Utilice Traductor DeepL

To clarify some data, the following page was consulted
Restaurant 1830


The building you showed us is of rare beauty. The architectural style looks to me like the Art Nouveau style, which I like very much. Great post, great photos.


Hello @stefano.massari , I don't know if it could be that style because of how refined it is, but according to the bibliography the main house is neoclassical, it was the style that prevailed in Cuba when it was a colony of Spain. Now the island that was made later by a Japanese, no matter how hard I searched, I could not find what style it corresponds to, but it is of great beauty, at least it leaves me speechless because it is not very usual in Cuba and despite being made with rustic materials , pure rocks and shells has a refined artistic touch. Thanks for visiting us ❤️


Thank you for providing me with this clarification on architectural style


It must be spectacular to be in this place, appreciating beautiful views and its architecture.


It really is a magical place, to be there and appreciate it from up close is truly fascinating, the bad thing is that it has decayed a lot and that Japanese Island is a place of dreams if it is not repaired we will lose it and it is a shame.


Fascinating legacy of architecture @lileisabel! It's quite rare for enterprises to last for many lifetimes, let alone a food business. And to witness that your featured restaurant has simply thrived for ages is a mere sign of genuine success. 😊👍

In your opinion, what could be their design secret?


Yes @storiesoferne I agree that it is a fascinating place, although it is a bit deteriorated and its glamor has declined, although it still retains many things at least the restaurant and its exteriors and interiors are fairly well preserved, what saddens me is the island that is an added value and that I particularly love is that if not treated over time will be lost.
But well for me that design so refined and so much opulence of the restaurant is because in the area where it was made at that time lived all the Spanish and Creole bourgeoisie and to call their attention had to make a restaurant with a design in correspondence. I do think that the island was a whim of one of its rich owners who wanted to do something different and striking or to have a place to escape to dream, contemplate the sea or even for his amorous ravings jjj I think he managed to have something extremely exclusive because I have never seen anything like that island in Havana and I am very observant. The truth is that it captivates me and it would give me a lot of pain if it was lost.


Indeed, well said @lileisabel. A restaurant like this one is something to be proud of and is a remarkable achievement not only for this establishment's owners but also for the country of Cuba as a whole. With preventive maintenance, they should be able to operate this heritage landmark for many more years to come. Thank you for opening up your interesting thoughts on this feature architecture. Cheers! 😊


Wow - thats a lovely place. The building is beautiful inside and out, and the wee island is fantastic !!!


Congratulations @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 5. More power!


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Thank you very much @aplusd ,you make me feel very honored , greetings. ❤️


You are most welcome dear @lileisabel. Continue sharing amazing content about architecture and design for us to enjoy. All the best always! 😀


The interior decoration is elegant. I imagine a wedding taking place there. Have you thought about it, I mean celebrating a marriage there, of a family member? The restoration is very important, the building is very well preserved, like so many other buildings I have seen in Havana.


Yes dear @tibaire , that building is sensational, it is a very well known place for me because I have celebrated my nieces' 15th birthday there and I always recommend it, although the Japanese Island captivates me, it also takes very nice pictures there and I am sad that now it is a little deteriorated. The central house if preserved and is a beautiful place for any event, thanks for stopping by, greetings. ❤️
