Architectural Buildings//Dilapidated Structures

It's a great privilege to be here in this wonderful community once again.
Today I will be sharing some architectural buildings and designs I came across while on my tour.
First of all, I love to ask how many love street photography? It's one of the hardest things to do trust me but it's also a fun experience.
For some days now I have been taking up that challenge and I must say it's going great and soon I will start sharing my street photography works.
But for now, I came across these magnificent architectural buildings and I wanted to share them with you guys with the quest of also learning something new cause trust me, I would throw in a question at the end of this post or even as we go through the post.


Most of these images are from the landmark of Uyo, Nigeria.
And most of them are story buildings. The first building is that of a furniture shop. The furniture in this building is majestic. Sometimes I wonder how costly these furniture would be. They usually display the furniture in a straight line such that you can view them from the outside and as one passes by because of the open glass the building was made of.

They tend to display more majestic and magnificent flower vases, big and small ones, and chairs with center tables.
The building is made up of tiles, stunning ones that look quite similar to the tiles we have at home and even in my church.

The building was designed with just a large center entry to the made showroom and another exit for securities. The other locked up entrance, I don't know what activity is done there but obviously, there is only one large entrance to the main building


And the second building is a boutique I usually pass by every time I take this route either heading home or visiting a friend.
The first time I saw this building, the first thing that got my attention was the name on the signboard and even on the building itself.
At first, I was wondering if the boutique was only meant for firstborns. I was a little curious since I am not a firstborn, so having a boutique for firstborn sounded rather too interesting to me.
Though I still haven't really gotten the actual message or information considering that name but in my case, I think and I feel what they meant by firstborn is that it's topnotch, their products there must be topnotch and newly arrived that's why it's firstborn lol, well it's just my thoughts, I can't say much about it.


I was also curious about what this building was made of because judging from the photo, this isn't some kind of tiled walls, is it?
I asked a friend who is a little more knowledgeable about such materials, he couldn't view the photos well but from the look of things, this may be steel, I can't say for sure though.
And it was said that this is mostly the type of materials used in most banks being that nothing can really penetrate it.
If you know the actual name for this material, feel free to tell me about it in the comment section, thank you.


It's not only the boutique, they also have a gas station.
It's really a nice foundation. It's made of a few categories of things one wishes to get and its architectural structure looks simple but very nice.


This building is almost at the center or heart of Uyo main town.
It's a building made up of different activities and yes, you can tell that similar materials are used for this structure.

In the building, there is a games and betting shop, a boutique, a phone showroom, and a shop, etc.
At first, the building had an eatery too when it was first built but I think they relocated to somewhere else, now the building is majorly made up of other bustling activities.

It's a three-story building and situated quite close to the main road. It always so busy and noisy around here and usually filled up with people.
The building viewpoints are supported by irons and poles. Often people lean on those protective poles and irons and some use them to support their bodies.


This is a three-story building as well. This one is a computer school.
I don't know why but it seems most of the computer schools I have come across here are painted white and I am curious to know why or if it's the major color for any computer school just like the pharmacy and hospital building which has its specific color.


I zoomed in for a better and closer shot. At first, this building didn't really look like a school to me. It appeared to look a lot more like government buildings. Some major state government building is designed in such structure, I even had one photo of it I took but too bad I am not sharing that piece today, you would have compared and
declare that of a truth I was right.


Take your eyes off that man standing in the middle of the road doing his business and the bird that flew towards his back 😄( I am sure you didn't notice that, did you? Thank God for images and photo zooming cause even I didn't notice that scene at first)

Anyway, look across, and of course, you know what you should be looking at lol, the building
I don't know if that writing on the wall is a typographical error or not but I certainly read that wrongly. Place Bright or Bright Place? Which sounds better or which do you think is correct?


I can't really tell what goes on in that entire building but the open shops downstairs are for sewing and weaving and some part of the rooms up is a computer training center.


It is situated on a remote plate in Uyo, a business-filled location, and street in Akwa Ibom State, Uyo.
I took this particular shot from afar while heading towards the building.


LG is one of the renounced companies we have here and their products are always the best, trust me.
When I was very small, I remember how costly LG television was then compared to the normal sharp TV set or other companies TV.
My dad was a big fan of LG products and always considered them to be the best, maybe this is the reason why I got to know about LG products at a very tender age.
He usually tells us where the company's branch is here in Uyo. He told us the location but since I and my siblings were little, we had no chance of knowing such a place, only hearing about it but never seeing it for ourselves.

The first time I saw this building, I exclaimed and was a little excited because I never thought for once that someday I would see this building, let alone go near it hahaha, you can call me silly but I was that naive.


From the artistic display on the building, you can tell most of the things you would have inside the building.


They also have their showroom. Again, have you observed that a similar building material used for the firstborn boutique building is also used with this building?
I don't know for sure if it's the same material but they look quite similar.


The last building but not the least is the dilapidated building, or should I really call it a dilapidated building? I think the building is still in use.
I can't really say for sure because the building already looks like an abandoned house to me.
Though it seems the foundation and the structure of the building were strong such that it would take years for the house to be worn out.


I knew about this building when I started going out to Uyo main city. I wasn't really the outgoing type but something suddenly took me out and I crossed the border of our remote village to the main town and I got to see and know some things about these new places.
And this building is one of the things I noticed very well when I first arrived at this location.


The fact that it is situated at a very close angle along the roadside makes it almost very much noticeable and hard to be unnoticed.
It's a three-story building as well.
Though the building is looking rather old and dilapidated, but I think the materials used for building this house were good ones.
Even the paint is finding it very hard to wash off, regardless that some parts and portions are covered by the black charcoal from constant raindrops on the building due to heavy rainfall


Judging this photo from afar, one can tell that this building isn't really in use again because some of the side glasses are broken and not even fixed to the window frames again. Leaving the place open.


This is a large building that would have been renovated and used for something tangible, perhaps a business center or even a company, yet it is abandoned and left wasted.


I hope that the government does something about it though I don't know if it is personal property or the government's property.
Whoever owns the building should look more into it and do something with its cause as it stands the building is just a waste for now that it has not been put to use.

The position and location of the building is a very attractive and outstanding one which any kind of business would move pretty well.
So abandoning it this way isn't really a nice thing to do. I am certain some wild animals must have already made a domain in the building.


I would have shared more dilapidated buildings we have in Uyo and other architectural building structures but I think I will have to hold unto them until next time when I wish to share them.
And until then, thank you for taking out some minutes of your time to check out my post.
And thank you for the visit, I greatly appreciate it.



Thank you @zellypearl for this interesting architectural tour of the city of Uyo, Nigeria! Were there historic or heritage buildings in this area?


You put a lot of fact and personal work into that post and I loved a look at your town! Really great and the best thing I read all day :-)


Yeah, I guess I did. I love doing something with the whole of my heart and putting in my best effort .
Thank you for stopping by and reading through.
I am glad to see that the post was worthy of your reblog and you enjoyed it thanks


You're more than welcome and I look forward to the next one :-)


Hello @zellypearl, I can't help sharing that my attention was drawn to the creative minds who came up with the brand names - Firstborn, Betking, Place Bright 😁 They're effective in catching attention.

Treasure Island appears to sell expensive furniture and decor.


Treasure Island! Yeah, I have heard a lot about that place.


I completely understand, street photography is hard stuff. I enjoyed going through your post, Keep posting, have a nice evening.


Yeah, it is. Thank you for stopping by dear. It's been a while though. Hope you are good


Greetings @zellypearl, we're just dropping by to congratulate you for taking us on a tour of your city and for noticing, emphasizing the importance of building maintenance to avoid dilapidated structures as well as proposing possibilities to improve them.
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I am so grateful for the support and also for taking out to time to read through my post and taking the tour with me.😁
