[ESP-ENG] CIUDADES (Short Story)

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«¡Oh envidia, raíz de infinitos males y carcoma de las virtudes!.»

«Oh envy, root of infinite evils and woodworm of virtues!»

—Miguel de Cervantes




Nuestra mente es como un edificio lleno de puertas y nosotros mismos somos el portero que resguarda la puerta principal. Algunas veces no estamos ahí, vigilando quien entra o quien sale. En otros casos nos separamos por mucho tiempo o simplemente nos quedamos allí, cerrando todo para impedir que hurguen nuestros secretos.

Las puertas que están dentro de nuestra mente se encuentran unas abiertas y otras cerradas. Muchas de ellas incluso entreabiertas porque así los decidimos. Sin embargo, hay situaciones que se escapan de las capacidades de nuestra voluntad y nos expandimos sin querer hacerlo. Hay portales que no podemos cerrar, tampoco abrir a nuestro antojo; y se nos obliga a vivir con ello usando las habilidades que nos confieren.

Emily era una chica que tenía sueños extraños. Había puertas en su mente que no debían estar abiertas, y ella por curiosidad, abandonaba el portal principal de su mente, para atravesar aquellas entradas que la llevaban a aparentes mundos alternos. Emily tenía catorce años cuando perfeccionó su habilidad extraordinaria. Su padre; Antonio, y su madre; Raquel, gradualmente comenzaron a acostumbrarse a la rareza que padecía su hija.

Había noches insoportables en que los gritos de Emily se volvían agudos y escalofriantes, refiriéndose a lugares aterradores donde decía que había individuos con intenciones de lastimarla. Pero así como eran perturbadores esos días, también había noches tranquilas, en las que Emily simplemente dormía como si estuviese deambulando por los más apacibles sueños.

Sus padres intentaron ayudarla acudiendo a la ciencia, pero ni los distintos diagnósticos resultantes de exploraciones, exámenes y tratamientos, pudieron deducir la causa de la perturbación en que Emily se subsumía por noches enteras. Parecía ser una situación que no tenía mejora; pero por otro lado, parecía ser apropiada para un penetrante estudio. Quizás los sueños de Emily no son solo eso sino, más bien, un recorrido hacia mundos alternos reales e imperceptibles a nuestros sentidos.

Antonio atestiguaba que Emily hablaba sin parar al momento de adentrarse en esas pesadillas, y Raquel pudo corroborarlo; era imposible no escucharla puesto que hablaba muy fuerte dentro de sus episodios. Decía que recorría sitios informes, empinados y curvos. Edificios que se establecían hacia un lado y hacia otro pero no exactamente a como están construidas las edificaciones de aquí. Indicaba que, dichas construcciones, parecían ser erigidos para ser intransitables, aunque aseguraba que dentro de sus aparentes ventanas había luces que alumbraban sus espacios, lo que confirmaba que estaban siendo habitados.

A veces no era transportada hacia la misma ciudad, sino a una diferente y más aterradora. Expresaba que, el segundo lugar que recorría constantemente, parecía estar bajo tierra en algún desdichado mundo. Sus edificios no iban hacia arriba sino hacia abajo, enterrándose cada vez más en el suelo. Había luminiscencias con colores fluorescentes que servían como faroles naturales que iluminaban las calles. Emily pudo apreciar con sumo detalle sus avenidas repugnantes que eran como túneles sellados que al final, quizás, estaban obstruidos por alguna capa de tierra colosalmente gruesa.

Cada vez que la chica recorría aquel lugar, era dominada por un horror ascendente. Tal vez deambulaba por las calles de aquella ciudad enterrada y abominable por curiosidad, aunque eso le causaba un miedo que cortaba su respiración hasta casi desfallecer. Y una noche terrible, en que las sombras se hicieron más tenebrosas, continuó viajando hasta nunca más volver.

Sus gritos, como siempre, se escucharon esa noche como si fuesen aullidos de tortura de una persona desesperada. Antonio se había levantado antes, observando a su pequeña mientras hablaba sola. Luego comenzaron los chillidos y los bramidos, y fue cuando Raquel de impacto despertó. Emily, mientras recorría aquella ciudad oscura, se encontró con algo que casi paralizó su corazón. Era un ser que emergía de la tierra negra y vertiginosamente le daba forma a su cuerpo.

Sus extremidades eran como enredaderas, al igual que su cuerpo que las sostenía; y a medida que avanzaba a Emily estas se hacían cada vez más retorcidas. Emily del espanto huyó pero sin saber a dónde, solo quería esconderse de la mirada de aquella criatura espantosa. Sus padres, desde este mundo, espantados por sus gritos intentaron despertarla, pero Emily no reaccionaba, su mente estaba completamente atrapada en aquel lugar alterno, donde aquella aberración malévola no la dejará escapar hasta que la obtenga.




Our mind is like a building full of doors and we ourselves are the doorman who guards the front door. Sometimes we are not there, watching who comes in or who goes out. In other cases we are separated for a long time or we simply stay there, closing everything to prevent them from poking around our secrets.

The doors that are inside our minds are open and closed. Many of them are even ajar because we decide to open them. However, there are situations that escape the capacities of our will and we expand without wanting to do so. There are portals that we cannot close, nor open at our whim; and we are forced to live with them by using the abilities they confer on us.

Emily was a girl who had strange dreams. There were doors in her mind that were not meant to be open, and she out of curiosity left the main portal of her mind, to pass through those entrances that led her to seemingly alternate worlds. Emily was fourteen years old when she perfected her extraordinary ability. Her father, Antonio, and her mother, Rachel, gradually began to get used to the strangeness of their daughter.

There were unbearable nights when Emily's screams became sharp and chilling, referring to frightening places where she said there were individuals with intentions of harming her. But just as disturbing as those days were, there were also quiet nights, when Emily simply slept as if she were wandering through the most peaceful dreams.

Her parents tried to help her by turning to science, but even the various diagnoses resulting from explorations, examinations and treatments could not deduce the cause of the disturbance in which Emily was subsumed for entire nights. It seemed to be a situation that was not improving; but on the other hand, it seemed appropriate for a penetrating study. Perhaps Emily's dreams are not just that, but rather a journey into alternate worlds that are real and imperceptible to our senses.

Antonio testified that Emily spoke non-stop as she went into those nightmares, and Rachel was able to corroborate this; it was impossible not to hear her as she spoke so loudly within her episodes. She said she walked in shapeless, steep, curved places. Buildings that were set back and forth, but not exactly the way the buildings here are built. He indicated that these constructions seemed to be erected to be impassable, although he assured that inside their apparent windows there were lights that illuminated their spaces, confirming that they were being inhabited.

Sometimes it was not transported to the same city, but to a different and more frightening one. She expressed that the second place she constantly traveled seemed to be underground in some wretched world. Its buildings did not go up but down, burying themselves more and more in the ground. There were luminescences with fluorescent colors that served as natural lanterns that illuminated the streets. Emily was able to appreciate in great detail their disgusting avenues that were like sealed tunnels that in the end, perhaps, were obstructed by some colossal layer of earth.

Every time the girl walked through that place, she was dominated by an upward horror. Perhaps she wandered through the streets of that buried and abominable city out of curiosity, although this caused her a fear that cut her breath to the point of exhaustion. And one terrible night, when the shadows became darker, he continued traveling until never coming back.

His cries, as always, were heard that night as if they were the tortured howls of a desperate person. Antonio had gotten up earlier, watching his little girl as she spoke to herself. Then the screams and roars began, and that's when Rachel woke up on impact. Emily, as she walked through that dark city, came upon something that almost paralyzed her heart. It was a being emerging from the black earth and giddying up its body.

His limbs were like vines, as was his body that supported them; and as he advanced to Emily they became more and more twisted. Emily fled from the horror but did not know where, she just wanted to hide from the sight of that dreadful creature. Her parents, from this world, frightened by her screams, tried to wake her up, but Emily did not react, her mind was completely trapped in that alternate place, where that malevolent aberration will not let her escape until she obtains it.


Escrito por @universoperdido. 12 de Enero del 2021

Written by @universoperdido. January 12, 2021


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GIFs elaborados por @equipodelta


WoW! Crazy story! Like some SF horror movie. While reading I could imagine all the pictures.
