The Little Prince | Review | [Eng|Esp]



Hello my dear Hivernautas!

The children's story (short novel), called "The Little Prince" by the French author and aviator Antoine De Saint-Exupéry is one of my favorite books. I will always tell you about my millions of favorite books, because I love to read, but this time it's my turn to show you my little book of the Little Prince of the asteroid B-612.

¡Hola mis queridos Hivernautas!

El cuento infantil (novela corta), llamada "El Principito" obra del autor y aviador Francés Antoine De Saint-Exupéry es uno de mis libros favoritos. Siempre les hablaré de mis millones de libros favoritos, porque me encanta leer, pero en esta ocasión me toca mostrarles mi pequeño libro del Pequeño Príncipe del asteroide B-612.


This little book was a gift from one of my older sisters, I already have more than 6 years with it. It is in the Portuguese language (Brazil) which I love even more, it helps me to refresh and practice this language that I have been speaking and writing for more than 10 years.

Apart from the language in which it is written, it is a miniature version and that makes it unique and special for me, it is very funny to have such a small book and that it just talks about a little prince, my book is 6.5 cm high, 5.0 cm wide and 2.0 cm thick.


Este pequeño libro fue un regalo de una de mis hermanas mayores, ya tengo más de 6 años con él. Está en el idioma Portugués (Brasil) que me encanta aún más, me ayuda a refrescar y practicar este idioma que hablo y escribo desde hace más de 10 años.

Además del idioma en el que está escrito, es una versión en miniatura y eso lo hace único y especial para mí, es muy divertido tener un libro tan pequeño y que hable de un pequeño príncipe, mi libro mide 6,5 cm de alto, 5,0 cm de ancho y 2,0 cm de grosor.



It fits in the palm of my hand, but even though I have it in a miniature version it is still as powerful and valuable, its content is highly philosophical and full of reflections and criticisms about the behavior and way of being of adults from the point of view of a child.

It gives us great lessons that we should not forget, it tells us about the value of friendship and love, about the really valuable things, about how many times we concentrate on obtaining some knowledge about something instead of enjoying it, of really knowing what we are passionate about.


Cabe en la palma de mi mano, pero aunque lo tenga en versión miniatura sigue siendo igual de potente y valioso, su contenido es altamente filosófico y está lleno de reflexiones y críticas sobre el comportamiento y la forma de ser de los adultos desde el punto de vista de un niño.

Nos da grandes lecciones que no debemos olvidar, nos habla del valor de la amistad y del amor, de las cosas realmente valiosas, de cómo muchas veces nos concentramos en obtener algún conocimiento sobre algo en lugar de disfrutarlo, de conocer realmente lo que nos apasiona.



Through "The Little Prince" we see a simpler world, more valuable, explorable in all its senses. It has in each chapter more than 1 very valuable phrase for everyday life. More than a children's story, it is a life lesson, it is a lesson that we adults must learn, and it is so important that all children memorize this incredible story.

We must not forget the child inside us, we must stop focusing or clinging to one thing, we can explore and value what we long for or what we have, expand our mind and not see what is at a glance.

A través de "El Principito" vemos un mundo más sencillo, más valioso, explorable en todos sus sentidos. Tiene en cada capítulo más de 1 frase muy valiosa para la vida cotidiana. Más que un cuento infantil, es una lección de vida, es una lección que debemos aprender los adultos, y es tan importante que todos los niños memoricen esta increíble historia.

No debemos olvidar al niño que llevamos dentro, debemos dejar de centrarnos o aferrarnos a una cosa, podemos explorar y valorar lo que anhelamos o lo que tenemos, ampliar nuestra mente y no ver lo que hay a simple vista.



"A strange being, an exceptional and precious being, a kind and distracted Prince, lost among us"

- Captain G. Courtin

"Un ser extraño, un ser excepcional y precioso, un Príncipe amable y distraído, perdido entre nosotros"

- Capitán G. Courtin

When I read this book I became interested in the life of the author, since apart from "The Little Prince" he has other very interesting books but not as famous as this work that came out in 1943, but has different years of release depending on the place since it has been one of the books with more translation in the world, what is known is that this great author could not enjoy or see all the fame and success of his beloved golden-haired boy.

Cuando leí este libro me interesé por la vida del autor, ya que aparte de "El Principito" tiene otros libros muy interesantes pero no tan famosos como esta obra que salió en 1943, pero tiene diferentes años de lanzamiento dependiendo del lugar ya que ha sido uno de los libros con más traducción en el mundo, lo que sí se sabe es que este gran autor no pudo disfrutar ni ver toda la fama y el éxito de su querido niño de pelo dorado.



"The Little Prince" is a book that should always be read over and over again, read it to your children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, and all that generation that is growing up, with so much crisis in the world we easily forget the child we carry inside and that many of us are no longer.

"El Principito" es un libro que siempre hay que leer una y otra vez, léelo a tus hijos, sobrinos, nietos, y a toda esa generación que está creciendo, con tanta crisis en el mundo nos olvidamos fácilmente del niño que llevamos dentro y del que ya muchos de nosotros dejamos de ser.

Kisses and see you next time! 😘

¡Besitos y hasta la próxima!




All content, both written and images, are my property | Todo el contenido tanto escrito como imágenes, son de mi propiedad


Yes, this is a most wonderful book by a legendary author that I read a long time ago when I was still a kid and re-read it occasionally every now and then. It's bittersweet but it's mostly sad and my final take on it was that it's not a book for children... I always kept this in mind after completely reading it: 'You are always responsible for what you have tamed'. Indeed, this is true!


I read it just 6 years ago when I got the book as a gift, I always heard about it and I thought it was an animated series, well, there have been comics but I didn't know it was because of the book. It is a great work that definitely teaches adults to live better and children to keep dreaming and not lose the child we have in our lives.

Thanks for the visit and for your beautiful words, blessings! @vikthor


okay that is a small book, haha. I think I once came across a book small as this in the library. Anyways, it does seem like a book for all ages.


Hahahahahaha yes it's a very small book, it fits perfectly in my wallet and it's ideal to carry it everywhere. I love it, plus the content is amazing, I like to read it again and again.

Thanks for visiting 😊 @stevenson7
