The Healing of Trust + Rune of the Day



I attended another Ayahuasca ceremony this weekend. It was quite challenging. My intention this time was to cleanse and realign my body, washing it off toxins and any pockets of disease, so I was prepared for a physically intense experience but, as it often happens in ceremony, I encountered things I didn't expect. The first dose that I ingested was the biggest by far of any ceremony I'd been to, and the cleansing began almost immediately. I found myself squatting as low as I could many times, a posture of humility to accept whatever the Plant would show me and also to ground myself with both hands and feet on the earth. I began to get a glimpse of what I was really healing, but it wasn't until a couple of hours later that I realized I had to take a second cup of medicine. I didn't want to, I told myself all sorts of things to justify my resistance, but I knew in my heart that I feared to drink again, this medicine was thick and not entirely liquid. This false dilemma revealed that the core of my process was Trust.

The journeys of self-discovery are always tough to walk. I've mentioned many times how I've had to accept and deal with the solitude inherent to the way that I've chosen to live my life, the loss of contact with old friends and relatives and the silence that I often must keep about my practices. All of this has diminished my confidence toward others and myself, so subtly that I hadn't actually realized the depth of it. Thus I left myself no choice but to take that second cup, containing a dose just as big as the first one and combined with a native herbal liquor that rekindled my inner fire. The solution to all of this is simple enough: a leap of faith into the void of my own Heart. Fortunately, I have quite a bit of practice in that regard.

Today (or tomorrow, depending on your location) we have a New Moon in Virgo, a Sign of Service, Health and Ritual, and this is the intention that I plant for coming times, to reenergize and empower my Trust, to take that leap and truly embrace my responsibility and authority. This is the transformation that I've been preparing for since last year, a reopening, an expansion of my reach. I affirm my Purpose and give in to the demands of my task. I know now that this solitude will always be part of my experience even if I'm surrounded by multitudes, but that no longer bothers me. However, I do want to meet more people with whom I can share the things I've learned and seen, even if only temporarily. All doubts vanish, all paths are clear and I'm willing and able to walk on, reaching longer and seeing much farther every second.


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Rune of the Day: Mannaz

The community calls upon you, accept the commitment to be a part of something greater. Reclusion may give you a sense of security, but it deprives you from living and experiencing novelty; open your doors to the public, reencounter dialogue with diverse cultures and languages, show your willingness to integrate different postures. Overcome territorial and ideological divisions, discover the essential unity behind every dilemma. Recognize the reflection that other show you, be thankful especially for difficult revelations. All nations are founded upon the same land, all flags wave with the same wind, discard the postures that prevent you from seeing others with respect. All paths lead to the Light, even those that displease you; you do not have to live the processes of others, but you can observe them without judging and thus learn more.
