Female Genital Mutilations/Circumcision Is An Henious Act πŸ›‘



Female genital mutilation (FGM) also known as circumcision is a procedure common in Africa in which Nigeria is not left out and some other countries around the world, that is performed on a young girl to remove her clitoris either partially or completely. This removal of the clitoris does not have a medical backing and it often leads to physiological, sexual complications among others. These complications may lead to infections, low sexual urge, infertility or even result to death.

Female genital mutilation is a violation of fundamental human rights and it is condemnable by international health bodies such as WHO and international agencies that provide humanitarian and developmental assistance to children such as UNICEF.

The heinous act of female genital mutilations have caused so many women a good life that desired. Some women can not have husband, children or build their own family due to this practice. There was the story of a woman I came across who narrated how men would refuse to get intimate with her because of the scar the mutilations gave her in her genitals. Men would be scared and run as soon as they sight it. This has made her a single woman all life without children of her own.


Some women are in a dilemma of either cursing or forgiving their parents for all the troubles they experience in their marriage. Some victims of female genital mutilation go through hell in their marriage such as not being able to satisfy their husband sexually which add salt to injury by allowing the man to go out to engage in extra martial affairs. Some women's private part becomes narrow after the FGM has been done on them making sexual intercourse painful.

In Nigeria, female genital mutilation is performed based on cultural reasons. It is believed that if it isn't performed on a female child she'd have high libido and make her engage in immoral activities. So, in order to curb a woman from engaging in immoral activities due to high libido the genitals is mutilated by a local circumcisers. Afterwards, the part of the genitals that is cut off is buried in the ground. Some of the reasons for burying in the ground includes - it may be used to prepare local herbs if it gets to the hands of traditionalist and it is not good for it to be eaten by dogs because it may make the girl become promiscuous.

In recent times, female genital mutilation have become something some set of people do secretly because it has penalties attached to it. The penalties could include a jail term or a fine or both.


Don't know should I speak about this injustice or not but it's insane,
How you can ruin the life of one, and why should forgive the one who restricted her from enjoying her life.
Sad to know about this ritual but for the first time I heard about this and I felt so bad.
She might have cursed and humiliated life.
It's really good that you have raised your voice.


Female circumsion is obviously not a good thing,it could lead to lot of bleeding and could damage some viral parts of the body,but I don't think they still do that nowadays?


Some people still do it especially those in rural areas and uneducated people, maybe
