Quality of Living - Now and Then


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A few weeks ago, somewhere in the comment section of Hive, I had a debate with someone (I forgot with whom, but it's irrelevant) about the quality of living a 30-40 year ago and now... And when I say now, I don't think at this specific moment when we are living like prisoners, I'm thinking about the time BEFORE this craziness...

As a matter of fact, it could be a case that I had that debate before all this because at this moments, there is barely any argument that can be positive today in comparison with before... but... let's imagine that it is "normal" at the moment... not "new normal", but really normal...

Yesterday, I was talking with my wife about this same topic, differences between before and now... And I have mentioned an interesting thing about the days when my parents were young, in their 20es... My father went to Germany to work in the late '70 and worked there for around 2 years... He worked normal working hours, as it is today (who is lucky, or unlucky, to have a job) 8 hours per day... He was partying with his working colleagues, having just ordinary life... He wasn't a doctor, politician, or anything "out of the league", just an ordinary worker like millions of others...

After 2 years of working, he comes back to his home country and bought a house for his parents, and another one for his family... What?? Yes, you heard it well... Worked 2 years, and saved enough to buy TWO houses with CASH! No loans, no mortgage, no shit... Can you do this today?

Okay, there are other things in life... But, somehow, I don't see that he had a lack of something... Social security, free healthcare, no long queues, and lists in hospitals, decent life for people in retirement...
Oh, yes... They had fewer viruses, attacks from hornets and alligators that wanted to kill them all the time... lol

...and I didn't even mention the present moment at all... check out the video...

Thank you for your valuable time,


Quality of Life  Now and Then.jpg

Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


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Forty hour workweeks are a relic of the Industrial Age. Knowledge workers function like athletes — train and sprint, then rest and reassess.

Knowledge working and Remote working are the future


Yes, they are! There is definitely a difference in workplaces then and now... We just need a bit more of freedom, but we have to work for it!

And we are in the right place for doing that!


Man purchase power has been going down over the years and in addition to that the system made people take more and more loans to squeeze everything out of the average folk. The middle class who has a nice life while doing their jobs is disapearing all over the world. We will have a huge class of people who are more or less struggling to survive and another class of super riches that don't know what to do with their money. In my opinion the underlying problem that this society has, has to do with the values that we are living for...


In my opinion the underlying problem that this society has, has to do with the values that we are living for...

You are right about this... Greed is feeding and eating itself... As I said in the video (or thought that I have said), is that after every crisis the gap between rich and poor is widening... and that is not sustainable... The history shown that many times, and it will repeat...

Thanks for an awesome comment!


You earn more today but the value is decreasing so much that it makes you poor and stay there like forever.

Yes, I agree with you. No government or authority comes and saves you from this. It is you who can do something about that. Thank you @ph1102 for sharing this.


You can call it inflation, you can call it robbery, but the result is the same... People earn more-less the same amount, but living expenses are bigger every day...


I read your blog and fully watched your video and I would love to say the living now and then differs from the country a person is in. The only reason why I see the living in past good is because of nature. Nature was more kind to us then than now due to the way we are living now, due to the development of harmful technology.

You are right about the having more money with less value. It is really irritating, I must say. The government in my country borrows money from the world bank over a project they claim they have but later on, we end up seeing no changes and no project. Due to the fact they can't pay back the money they borrowed (which they are still borrowing) causes devaluation in our currency.

The money gotten from taxes, refinery and other stuff after probably going to the pockets of those politicians. The most annoying thing at the moment is their recent increase in the price of vat and price of fuel which is making things harder for us. I mean I am so fed up at the moment because before Coronavirus began there were little number of jobs and most of the jobs available were paying at least $25 a month with the high cost of everything. Now with the Coronavirus, the struggle became more complicated.

What I see that is actually better in this life is the fact that there are technology available for us to connect with different people from the world. Advancement gave birth to Hive which I know that if Hive grows and advances more, it can bring more solutions to people's problems.

Thanks for sharing this post. Followed you, upvoted and rehived 😉👍.


I read your blog and fully watched your video and I would love to say the living now and then differs from the country a person is in.

Agree with you about the place of living... Maybe I was a bit narrow with my look, as I was looking to Europe, and North America mainly...

The government in my country borrows money from the world bank over a project they claim they have but later on, we end up seeing no changes and no project. Due to the fact they can't pay back the money they borrowed (which they are still borrowing) causes devaluation in our currency.

This is not a case only in your country... It is like that in all countries that deal with the IMF and WB... It's just an easy formula for how to steal money from ordinary people... Even if there is no local currency, as the effect is the same with money printing... that is happening all the way...

Advancement gave birth to Hive which I know that if Hive grows and advances more, it can bring more solutions to people's problems.

This should be one of the solutions... For you and for me... That you can work in any part of the world and be paid a decent salary which doesn't depend on your "location" or country... or bribed politician...

Thanks for the comment! Appreciate you!


You welcome man. It's great to have someone that publishes thoughtful contents in the blockchain.


I actually watched this video twice because of the power of your message. I share this sentiment, especially when you said "Take your power back" & "You are the solution." I cannot agree with this more (but you knew this 😉) ...

It's all about perspective. Some live in fear because of everything mainstream media is pumping & the lies spread by the various governments can really keep them in that energy. However, after awhile, one has to say "enough is enough."

When we start speaking up & using the platforms to plant the seeds of change, this is powerful. I think so many underestimate themselves & the power they truly have inside. They're so used to giving their power away that it's almost on autopilot.

Yes, we are in challenging times & yes, it's far from over, but when we choose to BE the change, we can have a positive impact on the world in the long run. We can say no to the ones who try to silence us & we can say no to blindly following officials when we know they do not have our best interests at heart.

This quarantine has actually empowered me to look within & for that, I found my voice again. I am grateful for that. I hope others can see the light & do the same.

Thanks for always making me think, Zoltan (twin). I appreciate your heart & the way you empower others. 😊💜


However, after awhile, one has to say "enough is enough."

Yes, we are waiting (and working on it) that more people say that... Then we are ready to start the process of the change...

The time of silence and keeping our heads down is coming to an end... People are speaking up and holding heads up!

Thanks for the comment! It inspired me to take some notes for the future vlogs.. :)


Living it the United States, I understand I have a different perspective than a lot of the world, but here is how I see things. There are two things that come into play in this discussion that feeds the downward spiral. The first of these is complacency. The majority of people feel that as long as they have their cable TV and their fast food, they are doing OK. They are comfortable and that is all that matters to them. They don't realize they are in bondage to that lifestyle and will never get ahead. They work their forty hour weeks and they live paycheck to paycheck never understanding that all it takes it one catastrophe to make the rest of their life difficult. And to top it all off, their children watch them and learn to live the same way.

The second issue is ignorance. These same people are living on borrowed money. They place their faith in their credit score. They live above their means and tell themselves they will pay for it later not realizing that it is all a house of cards waiting to come crashing down on top of them. They don't know how money works. They don't know how to think for themselves. They don't know to create anything of value. And as long as they remain comfortable, they will continue to do exactly the same thing today that they did yesterday and will do it again tomorrow.


Huh... You have made some great points with the comment...

They are comfortable and that is all that matters to them.

^^^ This is a big true... Give people fun and entertainment, and they will be imprisoned forever in the loop... I already mentioned that in the comparison with a Roman Empire and gladiators... the same thing, different time... When all is comfy and cozy, it's hard to get up your ass from that sofa/couch...

And to top it all off, their children watch them and learn to live the same way.

As a parent, I have noticed that and don't want to see my child following these "role-models"... Luckily, he doesn't see that in our home, but hear/see on TV occasionally, and from his friends...

They place their faith in their credit score.

And this is typical for the United States, but it's spreading into other countries very fast... It's just crazy that some people put their credit score even before their health, families, friends... Just unbelievable...

You have raised a lot of concerns, and I don't know the exact solution to these problems, but I'm sure that humanity needs one big shake, to detach from the MONEY world... And bring some other values on the table as priorities...

Thanks for an awesome comment! Always a pleasure discussing with you!
