Do You Remember Those Fancy Moves?


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When you learn martial arts, you learn different moves. You might learn something that looks great, but there is no practical application. You can learn those fancy moves and show that in a demonstration. It looks awesome.

When Do You Want To Get Close To The Attacker For Self Defense .jpg

But the thing is when your life is in danger, that's no a normal situation. You will not remember those fancy moves. Even if you remember those movies, you are not going to make those moves. Let's watch this video.

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. I make videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. You can visit my website I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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I think the main problem is thst application to most forms is not taught. Most masters don't know the real applications and they train the form wrong. They dont break down and drill each move and its application.

For instance you can look at old shaolin videos of say Da Tong Bi quan and its will be very hard to detect the applications. The younger generations especially the wushu practisioners are so divorced from reality and application that they lose all usefulness in the form. The old videos of guys from the 50 or earlier the routines look much different and more complete. Their movements hint at the application. Which they do know and trained individually and actively with others. The moves are simple and are actual combative techniques as taught effectively to the song army (in the case of Da Tong Bi) lots of simple effective instinctive techniques you'll find in basic boxing, grappling and blade arts.


When you know the application of the form, your movement would be different. You are fully aware of why you move like that. There's a reason and you can apply that.

Thank you so much @hidave for your thought-provoking comment!
