Childish questions simply answered


When your child asks you a question, it is very important not to rush to the answer, stop and ask him to clarify his question more, this will give yourself more time to think about the answer and choose your words accurately and will help you avoid understanding the question in a wrong way. When you answer the question, try to make the answer short, easy, and most importantly, be real.

What if you do not know the answer to the question asked? Suggest what you think if we looked for the answer together! Doing so avoids giving him wrong information and developing a greater love for knowledge and sharing it. In this article I will show you some of the common scientific questions that children ask their parents and how to answer them in a scientifically correct way and at the same time simple suitable for their young ages.

How do fish breathe under water?

Fish breathe oxygen gas like us, but in soluble form, as the water they swim in contains a large percentage of oxygen, which is absorbed by the fish through the gills. The nostrils here act as the nose for us humans. They are thin films that contain blood vessels that absorb oxygen from the water that enters the fish’s mouth into the blood. Then carbon dioxide is expelled through the nostrils as well outside and then absorbs another oxygen quantity, and so on.

Why do we cry when we cut onions?

Onions consist of small cells, and when we cut the onions, some of these cells open causing their contents to exit. Among the contents of those cells there is a volatile substance once the cell opens, it flies into the air and forms a gas. When this gas reaches our eyes it causes a sensation of tingling in the eye and for disposal From this tingling, the eye begins to produce tears in order to get rid of this gas and wash the eyes from it.

Why is a bag of potato chips always half full?

When food spoils, it produces an unpleasant smell and taste, which is inedible. The presence of food such as potato chips exposed to air for a long time causes a process called oxidation in which the oxygen gas in the air interacts with the components of the potatoes and makes them rotten, and to avoid this happening the bag is filled to half of the potato and then the bag is filled with nitrogen gas that does not interact with the food, and therefore will not Causes spoilage so the potatoes remain in the bag, valid for a long time.

Why are tears salty taste?

Salt is an extremely important component of our bodies. It performs several roles, including the transmission of nerve signals between our body’s cells, and thus helps contracting and extending the muscles. It also helps the heart to pump blood to the rest of the organs, and it has a fundamental role in eliminating bacteria. Research has proven that there is a large amount of salt in our bodies and therefore it makes sense for body fluids to contain a percentage of salt such as blood, sweat and tears.

Why do ants walk in straight lines?

Ants live in colonies, when an ant finds food that carries part of it and returns to its colony, on the way back, the ant leaves materials with a smell called pheromones in the place where it passed and thus when the other ants in the same colony smell that smell they trace them until they reach the rest of the food and return them to The colony thus follows all of them following the same path taken by the first ant in straight lines.


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