The teachers that only life can give us.


The teachers that only life can give us, teachers who teach us in a way that we learn over time ... That famous empirical way of learning, which is learning from experience ...
Remembering that you may not have been through this ...


  1. [Broken heart], that loving disappointment, when we go through this, it is very bad for our emotional ... But there is not much to do about it, only time will heal it.

  2. [Empty pocket] Anyone who has ever wanted to buy something and cannot afford it, can show how many more people say they are the root of all evil, money is just a fuel that increases its power ... Be it for the better or worse, that depends on you.


  1. [Failure] We have to understand that there will be moments in life when we will fail, the important thing is that you use it as a learning experience and not be victimized.

Save this post to always consult later ...
Thank you for your attention.
