I was to go shoot some foggy night photos on Friday :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (273/366)



Last Friday I saw a nice fog outside, and decided I'd go for a night shoot with my camera.

After heading out, and taking out the camera tripod from my car, I started walking towards the industrial area for some interesting foggy photos.

When I got there, I finally took out my camera and turned it on...

I turned on the cam...

It didn't turn on. "What the..." I pondered.

I quickly realized the batteries had died. I distinctly remembered charging them up the day before. What's up?

Well, I walked back home. And instead of getting cool photos with my camera, I took a snapshot of my car in the fog with my smartphone.

It didn't quite work out either.

Well. At least I got one photo for that day.

More posts coming soon.

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #38
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #37
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #36
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #35
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #34

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