Nature is everything to me

I see nature in term of goods and services, I once buy an handset, that was some years ago, it was a Motorola Java script handset, I clearly remember back then how I used to treasures this device, I never allow anyone to get closer to this device unless I believe you know how to operate it, my friends used to come to my residence just to see what handset look like. I still recall the look on their faces the first day they touched the handset, how happy they was thought-out the day in my house.

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But in this recent days, new handset are made and people change their handset on a daily basis, infact no one remember the name handset anymore, what people prefer to called it this days are smart phones, I do not think anyone would like to remember phones like Motorola, but I believe anyone who have these phones back then were seen like Kings in their kingdom, that is just an illustration of what nature is to me, i see nature as something that bloom so pretty then people would start to admired it prettiness and as each days passes by, they prettiness of that organism would fade away little by little.

Till the day it would exist no more, all living organisms grow and die, anything that is not living would not die but their nature would be in such a way that it would become obsolete and people would call it old cargo, life takes new turns each day, nature is the lifeline which is used to create now point for the young one's to continue, you see, when we listened to music we like, no matter how you like it, we seems to enjoy some parts of the song while some verses would remains not relevant to our liking, nature is in there, it takes some and leave some for others to start from there.


Impressive! I love how you likened your relationship with the evolution of phones. Indeed, like you have said, I believe that there is nature in almost everything, if not everything we do and the way we handle each of them tells of our relationship with them.


True, nature exist in everything we do, thank you for nicely comments of you.


Hello @johnbenn :)

Thanks for this funny and strange comparison, at least at first sight ^^
However, I find it hard to believe that we can compare something from which we come and which constitutes the totality of ourselves and of what makes us live with the progress of mobile phones...

But the idea is there, and is right : what remains, because it's effective, is preserved and what is not, disappears. Like the evolution of genes and our DNAs.

I hope you are well and I wish you a good weekend 🍀


True, the idea is there, I am well, thank you, remain bless
