Zero to One | Birth to Death


Whatever the thoughts and desires come to mind, there is always a push is needed to achieve those. I've been tired of the word motivation, everyone wants to share their view about life going on their tiny head, nowadays everyone I see around is a motivational speaker. I'm really tired of it, I have listened to the words of everyone who are so-called legends. But in the end, I'm still going back to my actual state.


One idea now that struck in my head in these recent days is 'death', and I'm considering that as a real motivator. I'm having these weird dreams about death, it's not simply the fear of dying. It's the fear of getting old and waiting to die. Time is flying and I'm still that stupid kid still focusing on small things. Small things like how people think about me and others.

When I keep the fact that "I'm gonna die one day" gives me a different perspective of life. It isn't just a perspective, I can more focus on the things that will matter. I'm not a legend or a superhero to put some change in the world and write history. But I don't want to live this just like "living in a hurry until you die".

I don't want to live inside a loop called a job, waking up each day and doing the same thing for years until I'm not good for anything. All the world is just trying to place us inside the loop, in this chaotic big universe, all I've got is 50 or 60 years. It's like a map of a video game, there is a lot of things, you can either play by the rules until death or just wander around and find something interesting that no one had ever found.

When I say about finding things, it ain't about discovering something big. It's about setting up a great mindset, the mindset where death couldn't create an impact. I don't want my death to be known by everyone, but I love to die in peace. I wanted to face it without fear, and in that last moment, I can be as happy as any other moment in life.

I could just consider it as another event, these all maybe some foolishness. But a lot of weird thoughts about death are coming in my mind, so I'm trying to find a reason for it. And if I can say one thing that's universal and also a fact, it's just death. There is fear inside me that doesn't make sense, I think overcoming that fear may be the real answer for all these chaos called life.
