Proper use of Time Facilitates the Target || Invest your Idle Time


Hello Friends,

The only important part of our life is the dream of success. Although we all love to have these dreams, dreams of success reflect us. But sadly, the truth is that we often fail to make those dreams a reality. Because our weaknesses, our mentality, our inefficiencies, our inadequate knowledge, do not allow our dreams to succeed. So we have to overcome our weaknesses first, we have to make them worthy enough. The first requirement for this is to ensure proper use of time. Especially lazy times have to be converted into investments.


The reality is that our various weaknesses become obstacles to our path. Because of which our efforts are not fulfilled, our dreams do not taste successful. For example, a driver without efficiency fails to control his loaded car. In the same way, our various weaknesses are a barrier to us. Now if you want to control a loaded car, first you need to be skilled at driving.

In particular, I have heard many people say that we do not have enough time, how can I learn so much? In fact, such words are a kind of disappointment! Because none of us have time, nobody has time. Rather, time has to be taken out. Time will not create opportunities, but you will have to find ways to adjust your time and opportunities. You have to run behind time, not only catch it, but also use time. And this will be your time investment.


Yes, maybe the next question you ask is, it is not easy? It's something impossible by us, I'm not ready for it, and so on.

Ok i got your question However, irrational questions are never acceptable, it should be kept in mind. Because look at history, who has succeeded? Who has been able to reach the highest levels of success? Although these achievements were not easy for them. Moreover, they did not use any shortcut path to achieve these. On the contrary, they have been victorious through repeated efforts and proof of their merits. They too suffered from the same dilemma as you did in the beginning.


So what should do, thinking about it?

Then I would say, you have asked the right and appropriate questions. Because what you start with from this instant is the most important action in your life. If you can complete this action properly, you will be half way to your goal. First make a chart of your day and break down your day to day activities. Then find out where your idle time is. Then begin the mission to overcome your weaknesses. And that way you can easily convert your lazy time into an investment.

It is completely written in the light of my personal views and my own experience. If you think differently, you can share with me. This will help me to know more.

Declaration: This is original content of mine with own photography. Also sharing this content to another blockchain.

Thanks all for understanding everything.


আমি মোঃ হাফিজ উল্লাহ, চাকুরীজীবী। বাংলাদেশী হিসেবে পরিচয় দিতে গর্ববোধ করি। বাঙালী সংস্কৃতি ও ঐতিহ্য লালন করি। ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে সমর্থন করি, তবে সর্বদা নিজেকে ব্যতিক্রমধর্মী হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করতে পছন্দ করি। পড়তে, শুনতে এবং লিখতে ভালোবাসি। নিজের মত প্রকাশের এবং অন্যের মতামতকে মূল্যায়নের চেষ্টা করি। ব্যক্তি হিসেবে অলস এবং ভ্রমন প্রিয়।



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