Wait ! Do You Have Enough Awareness?


Self-awareness is all about being aware of yourself and about yourself, and it means being in touch with your needs and desires. A conscious person is aware of his true inner self and is able to make changes and accept what he is going through.

The first step that you must take if you want to achieve development on your personal level is to understand that you have a weakness in your awareness of yourself, and there are five signs that indicate this:

You are a reckless person

To be a person who is able to accept flaws and pitfalls is a skill that self-conscious people possess, and unlike those who do not have an internal awareness of oneself incapable of taking just as they take a defensive stance if someone directed some criticism instead of looking at themselves in a realistic way.

What you have to do is take all the notes and criticism around you and listen to the assessments about your personality with a flexible and receptive mindset because you are in this way creating a connection with yourself.

Lost your passion and control

Knowing yourself means knowing your feelings. One of the signs of poor awareness is that you cannot determine the feelings that cause you or what causes it, and you have no control over them, and people often lose their temper because they are unable to calm themselves, they do not know what is happening inside them and they cannot determine what they are going through or its causes.

The correct and correct behavior is to accept emotional convulsions and their best forms, because you will be a clear and flexible person with others, whatever the situations or conversations that unite you.

The responsibility

Creating excuses is a form of not accepting mistakes, for example that what you are late for what you will tend to create excuses for your delay, such as traffic or failure of the alarm, instead of apologizing for your delay.
The error in completing a task rests with the rest of the participants, for example. You should see the link between your behavior and behavior, and the consequences.

Are you satisfied?

If you do not know yourself well, you do not know what you want from life. You don't know what you love or aspire to, and you will only do what you think is right now but it will not satisfy your ambitions and satisfy you in the future.

Without that link between your inner awareness of yourself and what you do, you will not be able to direct your professional and emotional life towards a successful and fruitful life, and you may get stuck in a "good" stage in your life.

Understand your beliefs

Perhaps the most common sign of weak self-awareness is that you have beliefs and ideas that you cannot explain, such as political, religious, or moral.
You have to show and shape your own beliefs that are not ultimately the result of thought, development and meaningful experiences for you, but rather are taken from the ocean and you will not be able to answer the question "Why do I feel this feeling?"

And finally

Inner awareness of the human self is one of your most powerful tools for a healthy and strong life. Your emotional and family relationships and all affairs of your career will differ when you give yourself that control and awareness. Everything around you and what is related to you will take on another meaning and give yourself a chance to live a better life.

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