Holding Frame


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In this game of emotions you hide in a pokerface
Putting forth an exterior so uncorrelated with your interior
Under this dark mask, we push forward our true intentions
Standing at the center of a falling world holding still

Arrows sent forth from your mouth can never be retrieved
Due caution must be taken not to spill the wrong message
Speaking loudly through your silence
Destiny held together or destroyed by the content of your words
Remaining unshakened by the wicked ooze of unkind gestures

Holding frame as a thousand legs climb on your shoulders
Being the alpha that carries the weight of the pack
The responsibilities of leadership is never cheap
Standing calm under untold levels of pressure

Holding your tongue, controlling respect
Facilitating free flow in your reign
The seduction of fame that may change the game
Wearing the crown comes at a cost, you must learn to hold frame

Thanks for reading!
