Life Is About Balance.



Balance is needed in every area of our lives. Extreme ends never really quite work out all the time for most people and this is why we need to know ourselves, weigh the options more and strike a balance. Balance is needed in our day to day activities.

I am not talking about account balance hahaha...but being able to reach a level ground and not tilting towards the extremes. Life is about balance and it has been designed to be like this. We need to learn to let go of the things we can’t control. Balance is key.

The world was designed with balance in mind. Too much extremes affect us. We can’t be all too excited and happy, we need a caution and that’s why some sad, depressing moments comes in to remind us what true happiness means and how importance it is. Jay Z, the American rapper once said: “Hoping for the best but expecting the worst” in his “Forever Young” track. Don’t get it wrong, he wasn’t trying to be pessimistic, he just knew life brings both sides and we need to be prepared.


We have summer and winter, we have the day and night, we have laughter and tears, life and death, sun and moon, joy and sadness, and so on. Imagine if the world is filled with a lot of extremes, how do you think everyone would fare? How do you think things would turn out? We won’t be able to place appropriate importance on happiness if sadness was the only thing in the world. We won’t be able to appreciate warm weather if we are only used to cold weather, we can’t understand what life means without death, just as we wouldn’t know how valuable being happy and excitement means if tears wasn’t evident. Balance is needed in everything and life was designed with this in mind. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Deep down in me, I know what you wrote is true but there's a part of me that feels like disagreeing with you. 😂

Now tell me, what do you think is the downside to extreme happiness and joy?


Lmao! This got me laughing.

Extreme happiness and joy. How else do you motivate yourself or feel challenged? When we have sad moments, sometimes they help us restrategize and see things with a little bit clarity. It challenges us to be better.


Yeah I think you're right.

Beautiful post by the way. I still want excess money though.. We will deal with the consequences later. 😁


Hahahahahaha. I love that last line. You still need to strike a balance on how to spend it though. Hahaha
