We take things for granted!


If anyone told me 'I take things for granted' I would not agree. Because I had a false understanding that I'm not taking anything granted rather I'm grateful, I'm thankful for what I have. But later I understand how superficial my understanding was.


I know, you may also think the same about you that you are grateful. But until you face the true hardship, you may not know what 'gratefulness' really means.

It sounds very absurd, I know. But let me explain!

My son loves to play with hand shower and water while taking a bath. I don't always allow him to waste so much water but sometimes, very occasionally (especially in this hot summer) I can't ignore seeing his happiness.

The day before yesterday, while I was going through my social feed I came across to a post showing how people from the flood-affected area are facing a drinkable water crisis. A child is living on half a liter of water or less than that a day. It just broke my heart. You can guess, why. Yeah, because I allow wasting water, pure drinkable water.

In my religious belief, our creator will make us accountable for every drop of water. It's just an example. If we will become accountable for every blessing we have, then it's not hard to understand we are not grateful.


We are living an effortless life; no hunger, enough resources, everyday delicious meal. We never think that life can be different. Maybe it wouldn't be different for us, maybe we have enough to make sure we don't have to go through any struggle but many people around us are going through these struggle, every single day.

When we start to see the light of success, we take it for granted. We start to think this will last forever. But do that? NO. Still, we don't change our perspective. If you think from a different perspective, if you count the things you should be thankful for; you can understand why I think we take things for grunted though we don't approve that. I know how hard it can be but it's not possible. I wouldn't say I'm still there but I'm on the way.

My words may sound spiritual or something close to that. But you don't have to be spiritual or belief in religion to feel that. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take some time to understand, how much blessings you have. This understanding is not just to make you spiritual but to make you a better human, to make you a person who can impact others' lives positively, and adds value.

Many times, you will see how difficult it feels to try to change somethings. We can't control many things. We should be blessed to have what life gives us. Do you believe, life would be the same? Is there any guarantee? Can you ensure your happiness no matter how wealthy you are?

If not then, it's worthwhile to think from a different perspective, make ourselves more grounded, and expand our hands for help. Maybe these will help us to be a batter person!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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