Inversion: The Essential Thinking.


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What you think defines the things you do. Most times, we think and plan in a positive direction and we never care to know the nasty sides that might come up on the way as we proceed with life.
Most people think and plan only on the positive side of things, but what would happen if things don’t go on the positive side?

There are some ancient philosophers, Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius that often conduct an exercise called a “Premeditation Malorum”, which means Evils premeditation. The aim of this exercise is to think of the negative things that could happen in life. They would imagine what would happen if they become sick and can move anywhere. They would imagine if they lose their means of living and become so broke. Their belief in this is that they would picture the worst-case scenario that could come their way and plan towards and avoid them from happening. So, while many people are planning big and success in life, they are planning for the worse that could happen.
The way of thinking opposite to positive is known as Inversion thinking. This is great for preparing for the worse in life, and many brilliant people are using it for the best.


Avoid Failures and pay attention to success.

If you are filled with bad and unreliable attitudes, your virtues will be useless. We could adopt the concept of inverse thinking in many areas of life. Charlie Munger said - “many young people focus so much on success, but they should focus on the inverse of success”.
Advantage of thinking backwards and forward

Most people just like to have sweet thought in their minds always, but there are greater benefits in thinking backwards or inversely. If you are a beautician, you can ask yourself, how can I make people less beautiful? Removing those things you think would bring you to your solution quickly. Inversion thinking teaches you things to avoid in your life or business.


Taking Productivity, Finance and Management.


Many people are struggling with productivity and applying inverse thinking could help improve productivity. You could ask yourself- “what if I get distracted and lose focus on this thing, what would be the reason for my distraction?” This would help you view the potential problems and get them fixed inversely.


If you are doing well with your finances, you could think of the things you will invest on or the expenses you would engage yourself that will cause you to go broke. Also, in a broader scope, you could think of the things that could cause your steady income to decimate. They say don’t put your eggs in one basket. There was a time that I earn more than $300 daily. I felt it will remain like that and never think inversely. I began to think when $300 a day turned $80.

Project management

This is more effective in a company. Imagine your goals and how you are making things work for you. Think forward about and think backward of things that would make you lose your goals. Imagine you have a crypto company and the Government ban anything related to blockchain in your country. I was sharing one of my ideas with an experienced man. He asked me a question- “what about the Government here ban something related to this”? I responded- “that is why we need to start now and make some money and we expand beyond”. We won’t be limited to a country. It is always great to think ahead.

Inversion is an important skill everyone should possess. It will help you live a logical life and set you on a better level always. It forces you to judge your minds and set you on the right side. Thinking only about success and how to attain wealth is not enough.


I must confess that when I saw the title of your post I encouraged myself to read you since I'm just making decisions to invest my money in some projects. However, as I was reading, I was surprised by what I was reading and I understood what you meant and I will see if I could see it clearly.

It's kind of like being realistic, predictive, thinking outside the box. Consider all the options, but at the same time all the bad things that could happen. It's like the SWOT analysis: weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats.

Thank you for showing us, for sharing the reverse thinking, it is good not to forget.

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