CSR for The Community Welfare |


The Lhokseumawe City Government is encouraged to immediately draft a qanun on corporate social responsibility (CSR). The existence of this regulation is considered important in the midst of plans for a number of companies to invest in Lhokseumawe and the establishment of special economic zones.

The urge arose in a focus group discussion (FGD) on social mapping related to investment in Premier Oil Andaman II Ltd in Aceh, which was held by Universitas Malikussaleh at Lancang Garam Campus, Lhokseumawe, Thursday (2/7/2020). Present at the FGD were a number of participants from academics, Islamic scholars, NGOs, youth organizations, journalists, political parties, and women activists.

The official of the Lhokseumwe City Democratic Party, Fidhia Aruni, saw the existence of a qanun on CSR very urgent for community empowerment in various fields. "I will encourage the Democratic Faction to discuss the Qanun on CSR," said Fidhia.

Evany Claura Yanty from the Indonesian Women's Coalition criticized that the use of CSR funds has not touched the needs of women and children. According to him, the CSR program launched by the company has no long-term impact.

"CSR should not only hold a mass circumcision and build a bus stop," said Claura who also reminded the needs of women and children to be prioritized in CSR programs.

While the Chairperson of the Malikussaleh University Physics Education Program, Dr. Rozanna Dewi, argued that CSR must see the potential of the local community in order to provide long-term benefits and grow the creative industries of the community. Rozanna who interpreted CSR was not just a matter of budget, reminded the need for CSR programs that focus on certain fields.

"When the company's operational period ended, there was something they left behind. Not after the company leaves, the benefits of CSR are also lost," Rozanna added in a discussion led by Teuku Kemal Fasya.

Regarding the desire of the local government to participate in managing CSR, both Rozanna and Muhadi Bukhari from the NGO Bytra, agreed that the government does not need to be directly involved. They suggested that CSR should remain managed by the company but coordinate with the government to build synergy.

The Secretary of the KNPI of Kota Lhokseumawe, Armiadi, believes that the CSR program must focus on community empowerment and be targeted to succeed in a certain period. "For example, for 10 years of education, then 10 years for the economy, and so on," said Armiadi, who expects companies to also care about environmental programs.

Meanwhile, Tgk Munzir from Pesantren Qaha Islamic hopes that investment in Aceh will also be in line with Islamic Sharia enforcement. He hoped that the management of natural resources in Aceh should have an impact on improving the welfare of the community.

Teuku Kemal Fasya said, the civil element could encourage the birth of CSR qanun in Lhokseumawe City as it had done in North Aceh Regency. "This regulation is the basis of the corporation and the government in empowering the community through CSR programs," said Kemal. []



Pemkot Lhokseumawe Didorong Buat Qanun CSR

Pemerintah Kota Lhokseumawe didorong segera merancang qanun tentang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau coorporate social responsibility (CSR). Keberadaan regulasi ini dipandang penting di tengah rencana sejumlah perusahaan menanamkan investasi di Lhokseumawe serta penetapan kawasan ekonomi khusus.

Desakan itu muncul dalam focus group discussion (FGD) pemetaan sosial terkait investasi Premier Oil Andaman II Ltd di Aceh yang digelar Universitas Malikussaleh di Kampus Lancang Garam, Lhokseumawe, Kamis (2/7/2020). Hadir dalam FGD tersebut sejumlah peserta dari kalangan akademisi, ulama dayah, LSM, organisasi kepemudaan, jurnalis, partai politik, dan aktivis perempuan.

Pengurus Partai Demokrat Kota Lhokseumwe, Fidhia Aruni, memandang keberadaan qanun tentang CSR sangat mendesak untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat di berbagai bidang. “Saya akan mendorong Fraksi Demokrat agar membahas qanun tentang CSR,” ujar Fidhia.

Evany Claura Yanty dari Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia mengkritisi penggunaan dana CSR selama ini belum menyentuh kebutuhan perempuan dan anak. Menurutnya, program CSR yang digulirkan perusahaan tidak berdampak jangka panjang.

“CSR jangan hanya gelar sunnatan massal dan bangun halte saja,” ujar Claura yang juga mengingatkan kebutuhan perempuan dan anak harus mendapat prioritas dalam program CSR.

Sementara Ketua Prodi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Malikussaleh, Dr Rozanna Dewi, berpendapat CSR harus melihat potensi yang dimiliki masyarakat setempat agar memberikan manfaat jangka panjang dan menumbuhkan industri kreatif masyarakat. Rozanna yang memaknai CSR tidak semata masalah anggaran, mengingatkan perlunya program CSR yang fokus pada bidang tertentu.

“Ketika masa operasional perusahaan berakhir, ada sesuatu yang mereka tinggalkan. Jangan setelah perusahaan pergi, manfaat CSR juga hilang,” tambah Rozanna dalam diskusi yang dipandu Teuku Kemal Fasya tersebut.

Soal hasrat pemerintah daerah untuk ikut mengelola CSR, baik Rozanna maupun Muhadi Bukhari dari LSM Bytra, sepakat bahwa pemerintah tidak perlu terlibat langsung. Mereka menyarankan agar CSR tetap dikelola perusahaan tetapi melakukan koordinasi dengan pemerintah untuk membangun sinergitas.

Sekretaris KNPI Kota Lhokseumawe, Armiadi, berpandangan program CSR harus fokus pada pemberdayaan masyarakat dan ditargetkan berhasil dalam periode tertentu. “Misalnya untuk pendidikan 10 tahun, kemudian perekonomian 10 tahun, dan seterusnya,” kata Armiadi yang mengharapkan perusahaan juga peduli pada program lingkungan.

Sedangkan Tgk Munzir dari Pesantren Qaha mengharapkan investasi di Aceh juga sejalan dengan penegakan syariat Islam. Ia mengharapkan pengelolaan sumber daya alam di Aceh harus berdampak terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Teuku Kemal Fasya menyebutkan, elemen sipil bisa mendorong lahirnya qanun CSR di Kota Lhokseumawe seperti yang pernah dilakukan di Kabupaten Aceh Utara.

“Regulasi ini menjadi dasar pihak koorporasi dan pemerintah dalam memberdayakan masyarakat melalui program CSR,” tandas Kemal. []

