A little holiday with my child amid the pandemi



The pandemic that has continued to haunt for almost a year is of course a frightening specter for all of us. We are no exception in Indonesia, especially in Aceh province which is now one of the areas where the virus has spread which is quite significant according to the latest data, the province which has a population of nearly 5 million people has now identified 4000 positive patients with Covid19, spread across 23 districts / cities.

Pandemi yang terus menghantui hampir selama satu tahun ini tentu saja menjadi momok yang menakutkan bagi kita semua. Tidak terkecuali kami di Indonesia, khususnya di provinsi Aceh yang kini masuk salah satu daerah penyebaran virus yang cukup signifikan menurut data terkini, provinsi yang memiliki penduduk hampir 5 juta jiwa ini setidaknya kini sudah teridentifikasi ada 4000 pasien positif covid19 yang tersebar dari 23 kabupaten/kota.


It's not that I'm not afraid of the impact of this Corona virus, but I choose to keep myself and my family at home. But of course they also need a vacation, especially considering that the Covid19 protocol has continued in my city of domicile.

Bukannya tidak takut terhadap dampak Corona virus ini, tapi aku memilih menjaga diri dan keluarga saja di rumah. Namun tentu mereka juga butuh liburan, apalagi mengingat selama ini protokol covid19 terus berlanjut di kota saya berdomisili.


I chose the beach as an alternative place for recreation, and choosing a day that is a little quieter is certainly a consideration. Given that the center of the crowd is also not good to visit during the Corona virus outbreak.

Aku memilih pantai sebagai alternatif tempat berekreasi, dan memilih hari yang sedikit lebih sepi tentu saja menjadi pertimbangan. Mengingat pusat keramaian juga tidak baik untuk dikunjungi selama Corona virus ini merebak.


I enjoy it with my family, while sunbathing and bathing in the sea. Not too many people today. It's different if I come here on Sunday, of course there is a crowd center that can't be avoided in the middle of this pandemic.

Aku menikmatinya bersama keluarga, sembari berjemur dan mandi di laut. Tidak terlalu ramai orang memang hari ini. Berbeda kondisinya jika aku kesini di hari Minggu, tentu saja ada pusat keramaian yang tidak bisa dihindari di tengah pandemi ini.


Spending 3 hours on the beach with the children was quite a pleasure, especially for over a week I had locked them at home by not giving my wife permission to be in the center of the crowd. Today's adventure ends with dusk sinking to the west of the city, a small vacation in the midst of a pandemic, even though I am anxious but it gives meaning, of course to my children.

Menghabiskan waktu selama 3 jam di pantai bersama anak-anak cukup memberi kesenangan tersendiri, apalagi seminggu lebih sudah mengurung mereka di rumah dengan tidak memberi izin kepada istriku untuk berada di pusat keramaian. Petualangan hari ini pun berakhir bersama senja tenggelam di arah barat kota, liburan kecil di tengah pandemi, meski was-was namun cukup memberi arti, tentunya bagi anak-anakku.


Thank you for coming and appreciated


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