Vergin Tutto Amor// Francesco Durante// cover by @josesalazar200


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Hola amigos de #hive, hoy les traigo esta hermosa canción escrita por "Francesco Durante". Relata la historia de la Virgen María. Se podría decir que este tema se utiliza en misas o eventos cristianos y religiosos. Tenia mucho tiempo sin interpretarla y quise hoy cambiar y cantarla para ustedes, en el idioma "Italiano", espero y la disfruten.
Hello #hive friends, today I bring you this beautiful song written by "Francesco Durante". It tells the story of the Virgin Mary. You could say that this song is used in masses or Christian and religious events. I had a long time without interpreting it and today I wanted to change and sing it for you, in the "Italian" language, I hope you enjoy it.

Francesco Durante, Idioma Italiano

Vergin, tutto amor,
O madre di bontade,
O madre pia, madre pia,
Ascolta, dolce Maria,
La voce del peccator.
Il pianto suo ti muova,
Giungano a te i suoi lamenti,
Suo duol, suoi tristi accenti,
Senti pietoso quel tuo cor.
O madre di bontade,
Vergin, tutto amor.

Español// Ingles

Virgen María, llena de amor
Virgin Mary, full of love
Idioma: Inglés después del italiano (Italiano)
Language: English after the Italian (Italiano)
Virgen [María], llena de amor1,
Virgin [Mary], full of love1,

Oh madre de Dios
Oh mother of goodness,

Oh madre santa
Oh mother holy,

Escucha, dulce María,
Hear, sweet Mary,

La voz del pecador.
The voice of the sinner.

Que su llanto te mueva,
May his weeping move you,

Que sus lamentos sean recibidos por ti.
May his laments be received by you.

Deja que su dolor, sus tristes súplicas,
Let his sorrow, his sad pleas,

Sea escuchado por su corazón misericordioso.
Be heard by your merciful heart.

Oh madre de Dios
Oh mother of goodness,

Virgen [María], llena de amor.
Virgin [Mary], full of love.


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