Danau Lut Tawar Under the Effects of Light |


December feels wet in Indonesia. It rains more often so that the holiday agenda must adjust to the weather, in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic which is still hitting. Everything has to adjust to the new normal.

It's good to look for weather data at the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency before going on vacation. That's what we did when we took a tour to Takengon, Central Aceh, Indonesia. We were informed that the weather was fine and it was possible that it would not rain.

We set up camp on the shores of Lake Lut Tawar. Lake Lut Tawar is located at 1,100 meters above sea level and an area of 70 square kilometers. Many tourists enjoy their holidays here.

Even though there is weather data that says it is sunny, drizzling still falls at night which causes the weather to get colder, around 15 degrees Celsius. Takengon is the Peak for Aceh.

Rows of colorful tents look beautiful at night, especially when using effects, as did Zikri Maulana, a journalist in Aceh. Only the bottom photo of myself doesn't use the effect. The results were more natural. []



Danau Lut Tawar di Bawah Efek Cahaya

Desember terasa basah di Indonesia. Hujan turun lebih sering sehingga agenda liburan harus menyesuaikan dengan cuaca, selain dengan pandemi Covid-19 yang masih melanda. Semuanya harus menyesuaikan dengan kenormalan baru.
Ada baiknya mencari data cuaca di Badan Metereologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika sebelum berlibur. Itulah yang kami lakukan ketika melakukan perjalanan wisata ke Takengon, Aceh Tengah, Indonesia. Kami mendapat informasi cuaca cerah dan kemungkinan hujan takkan turun.

Kami mendirikan kemah di pinggir Danau Lut Tawar. Danau Lut Tawar terletak di 1.100 meter di atas permukaan laut dan luas 70 kilo meter persegi. Banyak wisatawan yang menikmati liburan di sini.

Meski sudah ada data cuaca yang menyebutkan cerah, gerimis tetap turun pada malam hari yang menyebabkan cuaca semakin dingin, sekitar 15 derajat celcius. Takengon memang ibarat Puncak bagi Aceh.

Deretan tenda berwarna-warni terlihat indah pada malam hari, apalagi jika menggunakan efek, seperti yang dilakukan Zikri Maulana, seorang jurnalis di Aceh. Hanya foto diri saya yang paling bawah yang tidak menggunakan efek. Hasilnya memang lebih alami.[]


Photos by Zikri Maulana
