My desired Milky Way Photo with Emotional Story

It was a wonderful night in our village. The sky was clear during the day. So I decided to take a picture of the Milky Way galaxy at night. It's called astrophotography. Astrography, it is also known as astronomical image,it is the photography of imaging of astronomical topic, it's about areas of the night sky. 🌌

So I started waiting for the night. It was about 9 o'clock. I tracked the Milky Way with the Milky Way tracking app. It appeared to be in the southeastern sky. I took out the phone. The tripod was not brought because of a sudden trip home. So I turned on the timer without finding a way. Then I turned on the expert mode of mobile camera. I took a few random shorts to see exactly the ISO and shutter. Then I set the shutter speed and exposure (ISO). But you need to keep the phone stable to take pictures. Otherwise the image will become motion due to movement. So I used my intellect a little. I took off my shoes so that the phone could be supported on the ground. The 10 second timer was set earlier. I started processing the image by clicking the sound button on the side. After 32 seconds I got the picture. I saw that I got the picture of Milky Way but the framing is not right. In this way even a few more attempts failed. Then I tried again from a little side.

This time I got the desired picture. 🙋‍♂️


The village sky is usually very clear. The Milky Way is usually hard to find in the city. The atmosphere is polluted due to toxic fumes, gas and dust. So I didn't try it. It was my long-awaited picture.
Anyway, I took the picture to Lightroom CC. I reduced the brightness a bit and increased the light contrast, I changed the color tone a little. This made the Milky Way look very clear and beautiful. I processed the image and saved it. I don't usually go to the village.

After taking this picture, it seems that I have succeeded in coming to the village this time.

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So much wonder to be seen in the skies, great job capturing it!


It’s means a lot to me... I just want to say thank you and love you bro🧡
