White Cherry Blossom Photoshoot


Hello photography lovers. This is my first post in the community if memory serves me.

After a long and gray winter, it's time to enjoy the beauty of spring. I've been looking for this moment and it's not quite here. Next week will be more interesting, but till then, here's a little sneak peek into what is nature preparing for us.

Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite subjects during spring. It's a real joy to watch these trees blossoming. Last year our joy was limited as lockcdown was still ongoing and I could only take a few photos here and there every once in awhile. Police and military patrols were everywhere and the minute they saw you're wasting time taking shots you were told to finish your business as soon as possible and go home. Which meant no more photos and go home.


This year is different in many aspects. There's no lockdown, we can move freely, but spring is two weeks late. These cherry blossoms should have been the beauty of mid March, yet we're enjoying their beauty in the first third of April.


I'm not complaining, I could enjoy them all year round if I could but it's not possible, their beauty lasts a few days only.


Maybe these are the most sensitive flowers of the season. Those tiny little petals can disappear in a few days if there's heavy rain or strong wind. This is why you have to keep an eye on them and do the photo shoot when it's time.


Today I got up early, even though it's Sunday and could have enjoyed the morning a little bit longer, I knew it's time to do a cherry blossom photo shoot.


When I saw the first tree I knew right away that it's too early, a few days are needed for the trees show their full beauty, but I took a few shots anyway.


I was able to capture the white cherry blossoms only, because the pink ones are not blossoming yet.


One of the biggest enemies of a nature photographer is wind. Imagine trying to photograph these cherry blossoms while wind is blowing like crazy. That is what's happened last year. I was trying to snap a few shots while I knew the police patrol should be there any minute and after 10 very bad shots I had to give up because it was clear I would not get one decent shot because of the wind.


Today it was my lucky day. Even though these blossoms still need time to open, there was no wind to make my life a living hell.


My plan is to go back next week and do another photo shoot, when these little buds are fully open. On Wednesday and Thursday it's going to rain, which is something I don't like but who said photographing is easy, right?


I only hope the rain will be gentle and not paired with strong wind. This is a nice area, we don't have wind here very often, so I may get lucky and got what I'm asking for.


Good thing I know where these trees are and can go there without wasting time roaming around looking for them. Very soon magnolia trees are starting to flower too, another occasion to take some nice photos.


This is it for today. I hope you enjoyed these white cherry blossom photos. Now that winter is gone and the temperature is warming up, I hope to bring more photos.

