Market Friday: visiting a plant nursery in town.


During the last two months, we have been busy planting tree saplings in the empty fields. The soil was still soft enough for digging without getting exhausted too quickly. The weather was getting cooler as winter season has finally arrived. Besides we could get a youngster to help with the digging and dragging loads of young banana plants to the fields. So, we were quite pleased with the small achievement in two months; we planted over eighty plants excluding those banana shoots. I told my gardener that these trees would become her salaries in the future when fiat money would become meaningless in times of global financial and political upheavals.




There was still some empty plots for a few more trees, so my gardener asked me to get some sapodilla (scientific name: Manikara Zapota). I told her we already had four of these in the garden by the house. But she would love to have a new kind of sapodilla that had long oval fruits! These fruits are very sweet but full of minerals and vitamin C. These would fetch good prices among villagers. So, I had to go around plant nurseries in the small sleepy town looking for such a plant in the morning.





Incredibly, my friends’ nursery had sold out these trees! I had to venture a bit further to another plant nursery. Surprising, this place was full of colourful pot plants to be sold for Christmas and New Year decorations. They also sold out all sapodilla trees! There would be a glut of sapodilla fruits in the local market in a few years’ time! I took my time walking around the nursery taking photos of plants and flowers. The cooler temperature was really good for the flowering of these festive pot plants.




People are crazy about foliage plant especially those plants with spotted leaves in white streaks. Banana plants with white streaks in their leaves have become very expensive as people believe that these would bring them good luck and prosperity. Owners of these special bananas have become millionaires overnight just by selling a few plants! This has led to widespread theft in spotty banana plants. Owners had to install lots of cameras and thief alarms in their gardens.




Most people are very superstitious and we have lots of folklores about special spirits living in banana plants! Local villagers still believe that each banana plant has at least one spirit inside; so they have to ask for permission whenever they want to cut or harvest some bananas. Recently my gardener told me that she had found out why one banana cluster had suddenly turn yellow and looked as if they were dying. After she performed a ceremony to apologise for the wrongdoings of some teenagers, the banana cluster recovered and became green again. I asked her what offended the spirit of banana plants. She gingerly told me that some teenagers were having sex under the bananas! I was amazed at how she did manage to find out about this, but I decided not to press for more information. I didn’t want to embarrass her unnecessarily; I thought these could be someone closed to her family.




In the past, police trucks had to patrol along the river as drug users seemed to gathered along the river at night to buy some speeds or ya-maa. The banana groves could offer good camouflage and a hiding place. Luckily, those stray dogs now patrol the fields and run along the river at night. So, strangers would have no chance to be unnoticed by these dogs. My gardener searched for spotty banana plants but couldn’t find any! She missed the chance of becoming a millionaire!




The owners of the plant nursery were busy loading up hundreds of pot plants onto the pickup truck. So, I had a good time among these flowers and green leafy but expensive plants. People are still crazy about cacti but the trend has already shifted to plants with white streaks or spots on their leaves. These incredibly expensive plants are being sold by counting the numbers of leaves! Rare spotty leaf could cost up to a hundred dollars per leaf! I might have to learn to paint on leaves to make some extra income! But the colour might run and I would get caught thus ending my dream of some income. I failed in my art subject so I’d better stick to growing fruit trees!




However there is no doubt in my mind that there are some spirits living in some trees and big plants. But I am not certain about pot plants, flowering plants and orchids. There might be something to do with the duration of the plants or trees. These ‘ruka-dhevatta’ (tree spirits) need a tree or plant with long life as they have to reside there for quite a long time before they could be reincarnated into another dimension. They have to be ‘settled down’ for many years waiting for their turns of rebirth. Many people who make offerings to old trees did have dreams about lottery numbers and they got their winnings. Then, they would buy a traditional Thai costume or ‘seven colours cloth’ to offer the tree in appreciation of the good luck. Most Thai people would not dare cutting old trees especially those Bo trees and Banyan trees. That’s why we could spot these overgrown trees by the walls around the cities.




So, I had to report back to my gardener that all the nurseries had sold out her favourite fruit trees! I had a walk around our garden and spotted three sapodilla trees bearing small fruits! I rarely eat fruits which are too sweet so my gardener and her family would enjoy these soft and sweet fruits in a few months’ time. I look forwards to the pomelos and mango trees to bear new fruits in early spring next year. Meanwhile we have better put more organic fertilizer to fatten up these trees! Mother Nature has been very kind to us considering how amateurish gardeners we have been. Praying while watering trees and plants do produce wonderful results!



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#marketfriday created by @dswigle.


I love the Thai plant markets, although I do so worry about the stupid levels of pesticides and chemicals accepted here! I'm really enjoying my calladiums at the moment, and beginning a new journey on 2022 to learn to DRAW botanical illustrations. So much gorgeousness here and yes, you are right, it will be our wealth. I'm enjoying to grow from saved seeds and have some cute little lychee trees already 6 inches tall, and 3 mulberry trees I have grown from cuttings.

Your post makes me want to get out into the cool season garden...


Wow! You have the patience to grow fruit trees from seeds! I have a few fruit trees grown from seeds but they take more than five years to bear fruits. However they do survive the prolong flood a few years ago! I am sure your garden will be looking like jungle soon! The cold weather makes it very enjoyable working in the garden! It’s nice to see new shoots and young leaves growing from the saplings. Hoping that the dry season would be shorter and milder next year.


Thank you for the gorgeous tour of the plant nurseries! I could spend hours and hours looking at all the loveliness on display. I must attend to my bananas with a newfound reverence for the spirit contained within the plants. Maybe then I will get some results!


Hey! Nice to see you dropping by! You must be busy too! Life is too hectic sometimes.

Yeah! I was at my wit’s end after waiting for years for some pomelo trees to bear fruits! After praying around the trees and asking why they refuse to bear fruits, the following years several fruits just mysteriously appear on these trees. I could even ask a strange character mango tree to give me three mangos out of the blue! These trees just amazed me! They must be psychic! 😂

Hope you could communicate with your banana cluster! Some banana trees could be too sensitive and stubborn! You ought to try praising and praying for them. They like chanting sounds! LoL


You just have the way 😂 It is one of the best gifts to have 😀

It's been terribly busy this past month or so. I have been retired from my work now for six weeks approximately and I am trying to adjust to my new found freedom. I have a hard time settling down to a single task lol. This time of year is usually hectic and so in another week or two I will settle down and be around a bit more.

After looking through your photos again I have decided I need more color, more flowers in my garden...another line on my to-do list 😂


Funny how trends have worked into plants like that. Loved all the plant photos!


Yup! We were wondering how long this new trend will last. My gardener has started to make small pots of cuttings from my red plants! This type of plants are selling at good prices in shops! Hope to make a new millionaire! LoL


I have a plant that is striped light green and dark green. I've had it for a while but I didn't get rich yet. I guess I need a spotted banana tree, but it won't grow here haha.

I am not a huge fan of the sapodilla fruit which I've had in Mexico and Cuba. Too sweet with no tang.


Oh, the trends! I have grown fruit trees (mostly peach) from seed and they only take a year to bear fruit! The Thai plant market is amazing, always millions of plants, potted and otherwise, It is a wonder you can navigate the whole thing in one day!

I am still giggling over the lady and the banana tree. :)

Don't forget to drop your link on the post in about 4 or 5 hours to get more eyes on your post. Thank you!

I love the concept of #MarketFriday and how our cultures differ and then again, how much they are alike. Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, even your language/languages. Along with the fact of what is normal for where you live? These are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I had hoped that posting here will familiarize you with the world around you just a little bit more. Viewing it from a more personal level as opposed to the newsworthy level gives me a better understanding of the people and a view that is often not seen on television. Sometimes,it seems like I learn more on some social medias about a certain incident than what the news tells me.

I appreciate the amazing support given to #MarketFriday! Thank you! Your participation adds a piece of your world, and I have to say, people are interested in seeing it. This entire challenge has opened up the world to me and so many others. Thank you again for being a part of all this! I am so happy to see you here! I hope you have a fabulous day! Hive on!!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how: I put this in for those reading your post, so they will know the rules.

Rules of the Road

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
  5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  6. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
  7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
  8. Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted


Oh! I wish I could have some of your seeds! I love peaches!! Could do with half a dozen peach trees! Then I could learn to make some jam!

Thank you so much for your hard work and generous support to budding bloggers! They are smiling this Friday!


Oh, those loads of plants I will not get tired of touring and looking and I will never be empty handed when I get out from that gate. Lovely ornamental flowers.


Thank you very much for your nice comment. Don’t spend too much on colourful plants! You can’t eat them!😂. Buy fruit trees!


You are right😆. Fruit trees still be the winner.
