My first MAGIC BROWNIES and how they ruined a date for me.



As stated in the title, I have zero experience making Magic Brownies, even non-magic ones. My lack of information took a toll on me, a girl stopped talking to me for showing up to our first date too fly.

Como está expresado en el titulo, tengo cero experiencia haciendo Brownies Mágicos, hasta con los que no son mágicos. Mi falta de información me sacó factura, una chica me dejó de hablar por presentarme a nuestra primera cita muy volado.


It all started when my friend sent me a text message saying he had a bad day and wanted to relax, I know what "relax" meant, so I went to my room and searched through my stuff for the weed I always keep for these moments, I didn't have too much, about 4 grams, enough to make a joint and have it for another few days, personally I don't like to keep weed for so long so I wanted to finish what I had quickly. Previously, months ago I had looked up recipes to make Brownies but they all said I should use about 10g, which I thought was too much, so I never tried it until that day. I figured that the little I had would have some effect, or at least take away my hunger for the chocolate, so I used the first recipe from the google results and I went for it.

Todo comenzó cuando mi amigo me mandó un mensaje de texto diciendo que tuvo un mal día y quería relajarse, sé lo que significaba "relajarse", así que fui a mi habitación y busqué entre mis cosas la hierba que siempre guardo para estos momentos, no tenía demasiado, como 4 gramos, suficiente para hacer un porro y me quedase para otros días, en lo personal no me gusta conservar tanto tiempo una hierba así que quise acabar con lo que tenía rápidamente. Previamente, hace meses había buscado recetas para hacer Brownies pero en todas decían que debía usar unos 10g, cosa que me parecía exagerada, así que nunca lo intenté hasta ese día. Supuse que lo poco que tenía haría algún efecto, o mínimo me quitaría el hambre el chocolate, así que usé la primera receta de los resultados de google y me pusé en ello.


I had all the ingredients at home; 100 grams of butter, 2 eggs, 200 grams of sugar, 100 grams of flour, cocoa powder, vanilla, salt, chocolate chips and 4 grams of marijuana. The preparation was simple, I preheated the oven, melted the butter in a pan over low heat and added the cocoa, being careful not to stick or burn the mixture. In a bowl I beat the eggs and the sugar, when it was well mixed, I added the flour, a dash of vanilla, a pinch of salt and the sprinkles, I stirred everything well so that it was homogeneous and then I added the marijuana, previously kneaded with my blender (I don't have a grinder). I took a glass baking dish and covered it with butter and flour, poured the preparation and put it in the oven. It was fast, in about 15 minutes it was ready, I was checking every now and then with a knife and seeing if it came out clean, it meant it was ready.

Tenía todos los ingredientes en casa; 100 gramos de mantequilla, 2 huevos, 200 gramos de azúcar, 100 gramos de harina, cacao en polvo, vainilla, sal, chispas de chocolate y 4 gramos de marihuana. La preparación fue sencilla, precalenté el horno, pusé a derretir la mantequilla en un sartén a fuego lento y le fui agregando el cacao, teniendo cuidado de que no se pegase o se quemase la mezcla. En un bol batí los huevos y el azúcar, cuando ya estuvo bien mezclado, le eché la harina, un chorrito de vainilla, una pizca de sal y las chispas, revolví bien todo para que quedase homogéneo y luego le eche la marihuana ya previamente esmoñada con mi licuadora (no tengo grinder). Tomé una bandeja para hornear de vidrio y la tapize de mantequilla y harina, vertí la preparación y la metí al horno. Fue rápido, en unos 15 minutos ya estaba listo, fui revisando cada tanto metiendo un cuchillo y viendo si salia limpio, significaría que ya estaba listo.


I wasn't sure if I had done everything right, since I didn't prepare them the way they always recommend, with cannabis oil or marijuana butter, I just added it to the mixture and that's it. I divided the brownies in 9 portions, and to test its effectiveness I ate only a 1/4 of a portion, just when I did it my friend arrives to my house, I tell him what I did and I gave him to taste a whole portion of a brownie. We were talking for about 30 minutes, I still didn't feel any effect and neither did my friend, so I politely told him to leave because I had to get ready to meet a girl that night, I had been talking to her for a while and I wanted to impregnate her. My friend before leaving told me that I had made the brownies wrong, that I should have made the oil and then prepared them with it, he left but his words were still bouncing in my head, with my ego insulted, and being sure that I followed the recipe to the letter, I decided to eat a whole portion (don't forget that I ate 1/4 before).

No estaba seguro si había hecho bien todo, ya que no los preparé de la forma que siempre recomiendan, con aceite de cannabis o mantequilla de marihuana, solamente lo eché a la mezcla y ya. Dividí los brownies en 9 porciones, y para probar su eficacia comí solo un 1/4 de una porción, justo cuando lo hice mi amigo llega a mi casa, le cuento lo que hice y le di a probar una porción entera de un brownie. Estuvimos hablando como 30 minutos, yo aún no sentía ningún efecto y mi amigo tampoco, así que amablemente le digo que se retire ya que tenía que prepararme para verme con una chica esa noche, llevaba tiempo hablando con ella y quería impresionarla. Mi amigo antes de irse me dijo que había hecho mal los brownie, que debí hacer el aceite y luego con el prepararlos, el se fue pero sus palabras rebotaban aún en mi cabeza, con mi ego insultado, y estando seguro que seguí la receta al pie de la letra, decidí comerme un porción entera (no olviden que previo comí 1/4).

While I was getting ready I could notice how the effects of the Herb were gradually increasing, 90 minutes had passed since I ate the 1/4 of brownie and I was already starting to get high, after 30 minutes more I started to get scared, it was like a roller coaster that did not stop going up, every time my ideas were more confused and concentration was decreasing, I knew I could not go to meet the girl in that state. I had two options, to lie to her and tell her that something came up and enjoy my night in peace or to be brave and go to our date crazier than an old drunkard in a square. Fate decided for me, the girl wrote me that she was ready, she was on her way out. There was no turning back, if I cancelled any chance I had with her, she would go to hell. I made a call to all my non-psychedelic neurons and I got up from the grave I call bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and get my courage up.

Mientras me arreglaba pude notar como los efectos de la Hierba subían gradualmente, habían pasado 90 minutos desde que comí el 1/4 de brownie y ya estaba empezando a elevarme, pasado unos 30 minutos más empecé a asustarme, era como una montaña rusa que no dejaba de subir, cada vez mis ideas eran más confusas y concentración disminuía, sabía que no podía ir a verme con la chica en ese estado. Tenía dos opciones, mentirle y decirle que se me presentó algo y disfrutar mi noche en paz o llenarme de valor y asistir a nuestra cita mas loco que viejo borracho de plaza. El destino decidió por mi, la chica me escribió que estaba lista, que iba saliendo. Ya no había vuelta atrás, si le cancelaba toda posibilidad que tuviera con ella se iría a la mierda. Hice un llamado a todas mis neuronas no-psicodelicas y me levanté de la tumba que llamo cama y me dirigí al baño para lavarme la cara y armarme de valor.


Everything went as I expected....FATAL, I could not answer a simple question without thinking about it for 30 seconds, -What do you do for a living?-, she asked, -Ehhhhh..... ammmmmmm..... I don't know hahaha-, I answered all crazy. We stayed like that all night, we didn't have even 2 minutes of a fluent conversation or anything interesting that came out of my mouth, I don't think it's necessary to say that she never wrote me again nor did she want to go out with me after that night. When I got home I decided there was nothing to lose and ate the 6 and a half brownies that were left, I fell asleep long before I felt any effect, so the only interesting thing I had that night was when I woke up at 6am so stoned that I couldn't even get out of bed, I looked like a baby that couldn't walk or lift his arm, every highlight that every thought came to me like flashes in my eyes, I thought of water and automatically imagined hundreds of rivers and waterfalls that blocked my view of reality, I had never been so stoned in life, it was scary and hallucinating, I was like that for about 30 minutes until I fell asleep or passed out, maybe a little of both. I came to life at 4pm in the afternoon, with difficulty walking and a feeling that my head was 5 kilos too heavy I was able to go to my cell phone to my desk, only to see a message that said -Bro, yes it lifted me up, do you have any more?- it was from my friend.

Todo salió como esperaba....FATAL, no podía responder a una simple pregunta sin pensarlo 30 segundos, -¿De que trabajas?-, Preguntaba ella, -Ehhhh..... ammmmm..... No sé jajaja-, yo respondía todo loco. Así estuvimos toda la noche, no tuvimos ni 2 minutos de una charla fluida o algo interesante que saliera de mi boca, no creo que sea necesario decir que más nunca me escribio ni tampoco quiso salir conmigo después de esa noche. Cuando llegué mi casa decidí que ya no había nada que perder y me comí los 6 Brownies y medio que quedaban, me quedé dormido mucho antes de sentir algún efecto, así que lo único interesante que tuve esa noche fue cuando me levante en la madrugada a las 6am tan drogado que no podía ni levantarme de mi cama, parecía un bebé que no sabia caminar ni levantar su brazo, cada destacar que cada pensamiento se presentaba a mi como flashes en mis ojos, pensaba en agua y automáticamente imaginaba cientos de ríos y cascadas que tapaban mi vista de la realidad, nunca había estado tan drogado en la vida, fue tenebroso y alucinante, estuve así como 30 minutos hasta que me dormí o me desmaye, quizás un poco de ambas. Di fé de vida a las 4pm de la tarde, con dificultad para caminar y una sensación de que mi cabeza pasaba 5 kilos más pude ir por mi celular al escritorio, solo para ver un mensaje que decía -Bro, si me elevó, ¿tienes más?- era de mi amigo.


That's all for now, we'll see you in another post.

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All images shown here are photographs made by @zhoten


Ah man, that sucks! Sorry about your date, but that story was hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing that one. I had a similar experience the first time I tried edibles. Luckily, the only plans I had was laying in the bed with the wife playing a video game that evening.

Ate half a gummy, waited about half an hour and nothing. Went ahead and ate the other half and a whole other one, laid down for bed and to play for a little while. A hour went by and still nothing. Thought to myself, This ain't nothing. about the 2 hour mark I started noticing that game kept getting harder and harder, to the point I didn't even know what was going on in the game. 😆 Had to roll over and go to sleep.


Anyway, at least I now know how interesting it can be to consume foodstuffs. I always try to play while high but it is a feat that few master. Thanks for commenting, I hope to get to share more content in this community and reach many as it was with this story of my misfortune haha.


On the bright side, your brownies turned out good! Yea! Look forward to it!

I see you've been here a little over a year. What do you think so far?


The truth is that Hive as a platform, community and investment is a safe bet, it has completely won my trust, it has helped me to face my economic problems, it helped me to rediscover that I have an artistic side. Although sometimes I get discouraged and stopped writing, I always come back to it with much more desire than before, I have to join more to the community and not just write for the sake of writing, I know that HIVE is the future of social networks, and if it were to perish I know that its community will be reborn as a phoenix from its ashes, as happened in the past. It has not let me down so far, and although the platform has been around for years, it is still young and I want to grow with it.


Yea! My Hive account is almost the only thing on the internet I feel like is ACTUALLY mine. I like being able to talk to folks from around the world with no algorithms in the way.


Lol! Great story! Would of been even better if you did end up getting her pregnant, so that way you can tell your kids, and even grand kids the story of how you met your mother:)

  • Dad, how did you meet Mom?
  • I really have no idea son, I was super stoned.

Great story, so funny. It’s happened to many lol. My mom’s 70 year young boyfriend said he had recently tried edibles for the first time and ended up running around outside in his birthday suit lol.


Lol, I can't imagine the surprise of the neighbors when they saw it. All for the anecdotes


creo que pusiste mucha cantidad para ser un solo brownie, igual me gustaria probarlo :D
