Thoughts on The Future of My Weekly Live Stream - D00k13 Digest


Whatup my Peeps, welcome to the @D00k13 Digest!!! Talking in this video the day after my last live show about where I believe this will go. Interactive live video tune in, sure it has some complications and risks but I still haven't seen anything like it and believe me I am looking. Looking for an example of how to host this kind of show. It is almost a throw back to radio call-in where you know everyone in town heard you call in just to say that stupid thing ... LOL ... what I can say for certain is I am enjoying the show and last weeks was a perfect example of how audience engagement in video form can really bring in some interesting aspects to the show such as "show and tell" ...

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Has The Idea Of Being A Witness Crossed Your Mind?
For me it started as a desire to learn if I could do it.

Maybe It's Time To Run That Idea Out?
I for one will be certain to support in any way I can the new witnesses in their efforts to help maintain the blockchain... hit us up in discord 👌

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