First Update while we are on the go - NoLoafing Loseit Update #2

This is the first update of my reboot of the #noloafingloseit series. So far so good.

Like I mentioned in last weeks update I haven't really started anything critical.

My goal was really just to start moving more and since I knew that I was going to be moving a bit more and using my Oura Ring as the target. Well, my phone crapped out and its in the shop, so I can't get a good update picture.

(credit @axeman)

Technology is a great thing, right up till the point that it isn't.

What am I doing this week

A side effect of the pandemic and social distancing is that there is much less chocolate in the house than is typical for Easter time. My goal this week is to continue to move, spend more time in my backyard and eat less bread.

My bread is delicious. I have been making it fresh once a week for the home use, but this week I'm leaving it for the rest of my family. I will cut my bread eating in half for now and if I start to stall I will stop bread entirely.

Question for you

How are you finding your eating habits during this pandemic? Are you gaining or losing? Moving more or less?

How am I doing!

Starting Weight: 130.3 kg
Starting BodyFat %: 38.8

Current Weight: 129.1 kg

Progress: 1.2 kg

Goal: 100kg at 20%bf *

Following along

I will be continuing with these updates at least once a week, and after 6 weeks or so I will start including progress graphs.

If you want to join comment below and use the #noloafingloseit topic. I will be reading everything that is posted there.

  • This is my initial goal and the date is before January 1, 2021. It is subject to change over the timeline of this project.


I'll be interested to see your progress! Also, love that you're using the Oura Ring. One of the most invaluable purchases I've ever made. Completely made me change my life and my habits for the better.


I love the thing. I trust it most for the sleep tracking, although I find the readiness pretty accurate too.
