[ESP-ENG] The mockery: I love to remember these moments, where are these people ha,ha,ha,ha



Fuente- azmeyart-design

Las burlas han sido una constante en mi vida, la gente me ve y se ríe, y no sé por qué, ¿Será que tengo un payaso en la cara? O ¿será que tengo un espejo en la cara y la gente se ve lo horrible que es al burlarse de los demás?.

Recuerdo un 31 de diciembre, yo emocionada con mi vestido de flores y largo, tenía yo como 11 años, y salí un rato cerca de la casa para compartir con los vecinitos, sale un primito del niño que vivía al frente de mi casa, me ve desde lejos, empieza a reírse, me grita diciendo: ja, ja, ja, parece un mantel.

Mi tía cuando me daba clases, si yo no sabía o no entendía, me decía bruta, sino sabía los números, se reía hasta más no poder, sarcásticamente me decía que no me parecía a ella.

Teasing has been a constant in my life, people see me and laugh, and I don't know why, could it be that I have a clown on my face? Or is it that I have a mirror on my face and people see how horrible it is to make fun of others?

I remember one December 31, I was excited with my long flowered dress, I was about 11 years old, and I went out for a while near the house to share with the neighbors, a little cousin of the boy who lived in front of my house comes out, he sees me from far away, he starts to laugh, he shouts at me saying: ha, ha, ha, it looks like a tablecloth

When my aunt gave me lessons, if I didn't know or didn't understand, she called me a brute, if I didn't know the numbers, she laughed as much as she could, sarcastically telling me that I didn't look like her



Cuando yo estaba pequeña, recuerdo en el colegio, que me gustaba estar sola muchas veces, porque con los que estudiaba había una cantidad de compañeritos muy burlista, siempre he dicho que las personas que son así, no tienen buen corazón. Muchos se burlaban de los compañeros que eran como introvertidos, algunos le decían nerds, a otros bobolongos, y así sucesivamente, de mí se burlaban bastante. Recuerdo que un día se estaban burlando de un niño que era recién ingresado en el colegio, y lo tenían “a monte”, no lo dejaban quieto, un día iban a golpearlo y me metí, le eché un parado a ese niño que quería estar molestando a todos, y desde ahí no se metieron vas con el niño y me decían “la defensora de los pobres”, para hacerme molestar, realmente, no me importaba el sobrenombre que me pusieran, me molestaba que se burlaran de los demás, cuando yo veo cómo se burlan de alguien, siento que la presión se me dispara, y da mucha rabia, sobre todo las injusticias.

Cuando estaba joven y salíamos en grupo eso era fijo que había una persona que le gustaba burlarse de la gente, a mi a veces me agarraba pa’, cien, si uno no llevaba la ropa igual que la que usaban ellos, pues eso era burla seguro, si uno no tenía dinero, también era burla segura.

La burla muchas veces en mi vida, ha sido protagonista en sucesos que he vivido, por eso detesto la burla, fui marcada por ella, no me burlo de nadie, no tengo corazón para eso, si alguien se cae, soy incapaz de reírme, soy muy respetuosa, más bien salgo corriendo a auxiliar a la persona que se cayó, no me río de la ropa de nadie, de su condición económica, ni de su apariencia física, menos, si tiene alguna discapacidad física o intelectual.

When I was little, I remember at school, I liked to be alone many times, because with those who studied there were a lot of very mocking classmates, I have always said that people who are like that, do not have a good heart. Many made fun of the classmates who were like introverts, some called them nerds, others nerds, and so on, they made fun of me a lot. I remember that one day they were making fun of a boy who had just entered the school, and they had him "a monte", they would not leave him alone, one day they were going to hit him and I stepped in, I stopped that boy who wanted to be bothering everyone, and from then on they did not bother with the boy and they called me "the defender of the poor", I didn't really care about the nickname they gave me, it bothered me that they made fun of others, when I see how they make fun of someone, I feel that the pressure goes off, and it makes me very angry, especially injustices

When I was young and we used to go out in a group, it was fixed that there was a person who liked to make fun of people, sometimes he would grab me, a hundred times, if you didn't wear the same clothes as they wore, that was sure mockery, if you didn't have money, it was also sure mockery

The mockery many times in my life, has been the protagonist in events that I have lived, so I hate the mockery, I was marked by it, I do not make fun of anyone, I have no heart for that, if someone falls, I am unable to laugh, I am very respectful, rather run out to help the person who fell, I do not laugh at anyone's clothes, their economic status, or their physical appearance, less, if you have any physical or intellectual disability


Fuente- FreeFunArt

Si es verdad, como muchas veces me llamaron: “la defensora de los pobres”, es algo que no puedo evitar, de hecho, llegué a tener altercados en el colegio, universidad o lugar de trabajo por defender a alguien que querían aplastar con sus burlas.

Hoy en día le llaman a la burla “bullying, aquí en Venezuela se le llama coloquialmente: “chalequeo”, a veces, hay bromas que no soy molestosas, porque no son burlas, esas no ofenden. Conozco personas que les encanta burlarse de los demás pero no soporta que se burlen de ellos, siempre he dicho que las personas que son burlistas, tienen sus problemas de autoestima, aunque se escuden detrás de una personalidad imponente. No sé cómo hay personas que gozan con el mal del otro o con la pena que tiene que pasar alguien en algún momento.

La alegría, es un sentimiento bien bonito, la sonrisa es algo que nos puede caracterizar, no hay nada mejor que la gente se acerque a uno porque la pase bien, porque lo hagamos reír, pero qué triste es que la gente se aleje de nosotros por burlarnos de los demás.

Nunca te burles de los demás, recuerda que la vida da muchas vueltas, y siempre vas a equivocarte y no sabrás quien te está viendo o quien se quiera buscar descobrar de ti porque alguna pena que hayas hecho pasar a alguien. Sé la alegría para los demás, y no la desgracia para alguien.

If it is true, as many times I was called: "the defender of the poor", is something I can not avoid, in fact, I got to have altercations at school, university or workplace to defend someone who wanted to crush with their mockery

Nowadays they call teasing "bullying", here in Venezuela it is colloquially called: "chalequeo", sometimes, there are jokes that I am not annoying, because they are not teasing, those do not offend. I know people who love to make fun of others but can't stand being made fun of. I have always said that people who are mockers have self-esteem problems, even if they hide behind an imposing personality. I don't know how there are people who enjoy the bad of others or the pain that someone has to go through at some point

Joy is a beautiful feeling, smiling is something that can characterize us, there is nothing better than people approaching us because we are having a good time, because we make them laugh, but how sad it is that people stay away from us because we make fun of others

Never make fun of others, remember that life takes many turns, and you will always make mistakes and you will not know who is watching you or who wants to get rid of you because of some pain you have made someone go through. Be the joy for others, and not the misfortune for someone else

Todas las imágenes son cortesía gratuitas de pixabay, con sus respectivas fuentes y agradecimiento al autor. Mi firma con aplicación Canva, el diseño con mi fotografía es cortesía del usuario @kadoshmerah. Traductor utilizado DeepL.

All images are free courtesy of pixabay, with their respective sources and thanks to the author. My signature with Canva application, the design with my photo is courtesy of user @kadoshmerah. Translator used DeepL



People are certainly cruel creatures sadly. Thinking back on those school days I was picked on as well, not as much as others but still a fair bit. Fast forward to present day and the people who did the bullying are largely not great people in society. Not to say I’m an example of perfection but I would like to think that I’ve turned out better than they have on a few fronts. Life is difficult but I think those that get picked on, as long as it’s not too extensive they end up killing people, tend to appreciate things more because they know what it feels like and don’t want others to feel that treatment. That’s at least what I would hope!


One day I saw one of these mocking boys at a bus stop, he had no teeth, I could see his imbalance, I think he recognized me because he pressed his lips hard. Others I see that their children are sick, poor things. Well, keep praying so that cruelty does not continue to make a mess. We never know who is about to commit suicide, and with these heavy games we throw them into the void.

Truly, these experiences taught me not to make fun of anyone.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving this motivating comment @cmplxty

That kid used to call me paddle teeth ha,ha,ha,ha. Of course now it makes me laugh, before it made me very nervous
