Moving On Up to the Brand Names on a Market Friday

Well it is that time of year again. Sweet corn is available at the local grocery store or at the roadside stands that the farmers open up all over out here. The sad thing is while locally grown cucumbers are about the same price as before; about 50 cents a pop, so not too shabby. However, sweet corn is going 3 for $2 which may not be criminally high, it is getting close lol. I am guessing but perhaps it is because at the end of the day it can be converted into ethanol so its value might largely mirror that of oil.


Most people know how I am a faithful member of the Crave Nation and love me a load of White Castles. In fact I talk about it here:

And even here:

Only problem is the nearest White Castles is many miles away and nearly an hour drive. With fuel being so high, I have had to resort to the frozen variety. Sad because it is not nearly as good as being there, but as the only viable alternative, not entirely bad either. 😀


As always a special thanks to @dswigle for making Market Friday so much fun every week!


So when I saw that smile this morning, I just knew it was going to be a good day. A good Market Friday day anyways lol.


So what kind of fun is within the bag? That would be some...


Potential new shoes! Ordered from Amazon through their


You have a week to try the shoes before Amazon will charge your card. I have to admit, Amazon makes shopping so easy sometimes I wonder how they ever make any money. If I ever have to return anything, I just run it over to the local ACE Hardware or CVS...too cool!

This is the first pair and of course I love them. Feels so comfy. Now I did love my old shoes as they were broken in just right...


Sure they may have had a few miles on them... and yeah they were a little sketchy in the rain...

I actually have two or three pair in my closet, but they dont last like they used to.



Plus they changed the sole material. They are like hard plastic and somewhat slippery even new!


The Sketchers are a little bit more money, but I hope they feel better and last better. I was happy with my Walmart shoes when they were ten bucks a pair, but when they raise the price to almost twenty bucks, I may as well go for the brand name!


I know many think I am a slave to fashion, but as hard as it is to believe, I never really care about how the shoe looks. To me it is all about the feel. Maybe I should keep them both?!?
Always feel free to check out the OldGuy Amazon portal 😀
Skechers Men's GOrun Consistent
Skech Air Envoy Oxford

The Old Guy Amazon Store ❤️

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Shoe feel is definitely the most important to me too. I'd love it if the shoe looked great too, but good feeling shoes that look "meh" are acceptable, where good looking shoes that feel bad are not.

For the short time fresh corn is available, I don't even care what the price is, I'm going to buy some when I see the good kind.

There is not a real White Castle around here (that I know of).... so frozen is all there is to be had. I had not had any in so many years I could not remember, but in the last year or a little more, I saw them and bought them and they weren't too shabby. I don't keep them here all the time, but I buy a small box once in a while.

I had forgotten that the Amazon returns can go back to CVS. That should beats trying to pack them to ship back.

Maybe I need to try some....LOL !!!


I have learned early on it's more about the feel and the durability and sturdiness of shoes rather than style. I have a brand that I used to love and had been my brand of shoes for a long time for I found them cheap yet durable, not slippery, lasting me longer than those branded and expensive ones. Sadly, they decided not to manufacture anymore starting last year. I have to find a new one that would be close to that kind of brand.

I hope your new ones will be okay although I doubt if it will. I don't like slippery soles.


I hope you find some good ones as well. It is always a bummer when a brand changes or just goes away.


That's true. Well, nothing lasts forever :D


Fit over looks - any day! Especially if they are getting a lot of miles on them. I am glad you finally left Walmart! They were never good for your feet! Although $10 and $50 are more than a little bit more. :) As you would once tell me, that is 5 shoes worth! (even $20!)

Amazon has a good thing going with the try before you buy, but, there is potential for them to get burned on that deal. It must be working okay, they have had it for a long time and they still have it. I have a store close that takes Amazon refunds. For a few years now, another place, Kohl's also took the returns without boxes most times. It has been since before Covid. I love it. I haven't gone to the Post Office for it in a long time. That is a plus.

White Castles! Every time I think of them, I definitely think of you! LOL After all those White Castle videos you put out, I am pretty sure you like them. What is not to like, right? Baby onion burgers that even I could eat a half dozen of. That even sounds bad when I say it!

Your corn is expensive!!! I have to wonder why. You grow it up there. We grow ours here, but, the Teeter (which is expensive) is 5/$3.00 I need to see what the farmers market is. It should be cheaper. Hmmm, Sweet corn. I need to get some on my way home. It is even cheaper at the shore as I can go right over to the neighbors and buy some of theirs. Win-win.

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Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
    5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!


Oh you gave me a good idea on the corn. I should drive over to Butch's and get some out of the field and say a farewell. Then again, I may have to drive up in the winter for a load of beef.

I guess AMZN seem to know what they are doing. At least the stock has been going up and after all that is what counts in my book!

I cant believe no never buy any frozen Castles. You miss out on so much of the good stuff. So healthy till the end... I prefer the Hunter S Thomson approach:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”


So healthy till the end!

What? Am I dying and don't know it??


Oh no. You didnt know? We are all dying. Sad but true. I think it is due to the tending towards maximum entropy or something or other.
