The market for the rich


Hello friends on Hive! This is my first entry in the #marketfriday by @dswigle.

Starting with me remembering my mum always telling me to be content with the little I havešŸ¤” she also said I should not let the things I do not have, weigh me down to the extent that I forget the things I have.
So, with these words ringing in my head, I decided to visit the big market that is close to my house today, after a long while.


Well, you may wonder how my mum's advise up there šŸ‘†is in connection with my visit to the market; but you would understand as you read on.



Here is a market known as 'Akpan andem' situated in the heart of Uyo, Nigeria. In this market you find all manner of food stuffs, clothes, accessories and kitchen utensils, household materials and many other things anyone could look for. It also happens that not everywhere in this market seems to be crowded with customers as we can see and I think that is because it is a Saturday and over here, so most people do their cooking on Saturdays, so it happens that only the places where foodstuffs are sold seems busier with customers.


I call this market, "the market for the rich" and that's because everyone from all the housing estates in this capital city assembles in this market to purchase their goods or food stuff. Each time I visit this market, I feel so intimidated most especially when I am not with enough money because in this market, things are being sold at higher prices. What one could easily purchase at another market at N100 will be sold at N200 over here. But the truth is they've got lots of quality goods here.


It's been a while I came here to buy anything and that's because I haven't really had enough money and most times I don't cook at home; I eat in our local restaurants and just once a day, sincerely it's cheaper for me. You know fending for yourself can be very frustrating at times and not every woman is lucky to have a boyfriend or spouse that supports her financially or caters for her needs and I happen to fall amongst the line of women that have to work their life out to pay rents, bills and to meet up with your pressing needs and surprisingly that of others.




I only visit this market when I've got a lot of cash on me, but today I decided to 'cut down my wants and settle for my needs' . What do I mean? I wanted to cook a delicacy known as 'afang soup' which would cost me some good amounts of money. I was still pondering on my calculations until it was almost 12:00 noon and my ulcer began to get upset, then I realized I was pretty hungry and all I needed was just food and I mean any food. I then had to apply the contentment thing, trash my wants and settle for my needs by cutting down expenses and go for a soup that could be prepared at a lower cost, 'okra soup'.


Well friends, I went to the market and did not dare let my eyes stray. So here are the things I got and I prepared my okra soup on a low key and consumed it with eba and it was filling, I even have left overs and right now, I'm doing just fine ā˜ŗļø.

Here are photographs of what the market looks like and me in my hungry face, boarding a tricycle home, so sorry I didn't smile there, I had so many things going through my mind.



Luv you allšŸ’‹!


Photographs were taken by me with my phone.


Could you please drop your link on the #MarketFriday post here

Thank you so much!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
    5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!


They literally have attempeted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. .....


Welcome to #MarketFriday! I am so glad you came!

It is really difficult to go to a market when you have wants and have to put that aside for my needs. I make a list of things I need always keeping the meals in mind when I am doing it.

You bought okra! How much was the okra? Was it high, or low? Well priced? What is in afang soup? I used to know and now I forgot! It is easier if we have a price so we can compare things.

I am so sorry to hear about your ulcer. I know so many young people in Nigeria with ulcers! That is surprising. I hope they are able to control it or give you something to heal it.

The Memorial Day Holiday took up more days than planned and now I have run so far behind in the comments of #MarketFriday that I am having to do the abbreviated reply on most that I didn't get to on Friday so that I can finish them in an (almost) timely manner. For this, As always, I have read them all at least once, some twice and as usual, I am pleased to say that I always get the best. I appreciate it so much. I just love how people have embraced the community and have really been making an effort to visit the other posts, learning about each other and giving pieces of advice, their opinions, and most of all, showing support to each other. That is what community is all about. I want to thank you for doing that.

Thank you for being part of #MarketFriday! I am honored.

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but, it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that is these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
    5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    **7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and reposted


You bought okra! How much was the okra? Was it high, or low? Well priced? What is in afang soup? I used to know and now I forgot! It is easier if we have a price so we can compare things.

Yes I bought okra at N100 the price is high. I could buy okra at N50 before now, but the quantity of okra that used to be sold at N50 is what is now sold at N100.

Afang leaf is sold from N200 and to get a better quantity, one should buy at least N300 or more and
then slice and grind it and mostly prepared with waterleaf, stockfish, snail, smoked catfish, periwinkle, kpomo, fresh pepper, fresh palm oil, seasonings and meat (meat is optional) to make the afang soup enjoyable.

... I hope they are able to control it or give you something to heal it.

Yes I take Gestid syrup and was advised not to stay hungry.

Thank you for being part of #MarketFriday! I am honored.

Thank you too for making this platform a possibility for people like us to share our market experiences and cultures.

I'm grateful to be part of this.
