
The majority of the less developed countries are predominantly agrarian in nature. Agricultural production constitutes a large share of the GDP and agricultural produce from a considerable part of the value of the total exports. However, agricultural practices in the tropical and sub-tropical zones of the less developed countries are at a disadvantage in terms of climate, and the attendant consequences. The post examines the concepts of environmental degradation, economic and agricultural development, causes and effects of environment on agricultural development and finally recommended measures to environmental problems.

Farmer's productivity in the less developed countries is seriously affected by the vagaries in the environmental factors (edaphic, climate and biotic influence) which directly or indirectly affect sustainable production and economic development. However, to ensure sustainable agricultural production, the manner and ways in which environmental issues are treated, resources and exploited and the degrading of the environment should be given a critical look. It was recommended among others that the environment should be effectively managed so as to ensure sustainable agricultural development.


Agriculture as presently practiced in the world is not sustainable. The reason for this is not unconnected with the fact that most agricultural activities such as deforestation, application of chemicals, bush burning, overgrazing, e.t.c lead to the destruction and degradation of the environment. Agriculture is not alone in this, the industrial and social activities has also contributed to the contamination and modification of the environment. This implies that as the world's population continues to increase exponentially, it is anticipated that the problem of environmental degradation would be on the increase as there would be more pressure on land, a fixed factor of production.

Most developing countries, are faced with the problems of ensuring acceptable economic growth are confounded by deteriorating environment. The problem of environmental deterioration arising from environmental degradation and its attendant consequences such as poverty, unemployment, impoverishment of quality of life, e.t.c posses one of the most critical challenging tasks facing nation today. The lives of several millions of Nigerians primarily, the rural and urban poor are affected by environmental degradation arising from oil spillage, food, soil erosion, water pollution, deforestation, excessive use of chemicals (fertilizers, herbicides, etc) and this leads to reduction in agricultural productivity.

However, it is not only the behavior of the farmers that act as constraints on agricultural and economic growth, instead, the environment in which they operate, the technology available, the production strategies and the climate are major causes of low productivity. Moreover, most developing countries or the less developed countries are mostly situated in the tropical and sub-tropical zones which are at disadvantage in terms of climate, heat, torrential rainfall and bad or poor soil which contains little organic matter.


The most widespread immediate causes of environmental degradation are linked either with inappropriate farming practices, inadequate conservation measures, excessive use of chemicals, and destruction of vegetation either through shortened bush fallows, burning, overstocking, over-exploitation or more site specific cause, erosion.

Poor people are most vulnerable to environmental shocks and stresses such as the anticipated impacts of global climate, and reversing these negative trends is an end in itself which will contribute and opportunities to the achievement of the poor people are heavily influenced by the depletion of natural resources since millions of the rural dwellers depend on the natural products for their livelihoods.
Moreover, a fifth of the disease burden in poor countries may be linked to environmental risk factors. The environmental problems of a country depend on its stage of development, economic structure, the production techniques used and its environmental policies.


The concept of develooment is multidimensional, encompassing economic, social, cultural and political aspects of human society. Through the development process, human beings interact with and affect the natural environment in the other hand; the state of the environment in turns determines the path of development. The world community is confronted by a closed cycle, economic problems caused or aggravated by environmental despoliation which in turn makes economic and structural reform difficult to achieve. Stated concisely, it means that if the world continues to accept disappearing tree cover, land degradation, expansion of desert, the loss of plant and animal species, air and water pollution, and the changing chemistry of the atmosphere, then we also have to accept economic decline and disintegration. This means that the environment and development are closely interdependent and mutually supportive.


Environmental degradation is caused by diverse factors. Some major environmental problems in a country like Nigeria include deforestation, soil erosion, flooding, overgrazing, e.t.c while some developed countries or less developed countries are faced with some environmental problems, these include;

  • Air and water pollution
  • Solid and hazardous wastes
  • Deforestation
  • Soil degradation
  • Loss of bio-diversity among others.


Images showing deforestation; by Author: Sourced From Wikimedia Commons Under License

Environmental degradation can be caused by population pressure, poverty, agricultural development, industrialization and urbanization, transport development and market failure or externalities. For example, he said that underdeveloped countries are developing transport facilities for the expansion of trade and commerce, however, this also bring about environmental degradation through air pollution, noise pollution and sea pollution. Environmental degradation brings about low productivity, poverty, and decline in the standard of living.


Erosion washing away the topsoil Sourced From Wikimedia Commons Under License


Soil Degradation Venn Diagram Sourced From Wikimedia Commons Under Creative Commons

Erosion and degradation of agricultural land did not only lead to decrease in land productivity, they also resulted sub major off-farm and off-site damage. It is therefore important to note that a combination of high population resulting in intensive cropping of soil, heavy and erosive rainfall, oil spillage, excessive use of machine, e.t.c has rendered some soil and areas uncultivable and unproductive. The overall effect of this is reduction in food with the attendant effects on the welfare of the people.


Sustainability agricultural development refers to the ability of the agricultural system to keep production and distribution going continuously without falling. This refers to how agricultural growth and development can be sustained into the future without jeopardizing or damaging the environment. For development to be witnessed both in agricultural and industrial sectors of the economy, environmental consideration should be given a priority.

In ensuring environmental sustainability, adequate management of the ecosystem must be put in place so that it can provide services that would sustain human livelihood. In addition, policies that promote environmental sustainability should stress the importance of involving rural people in the solution.

Sustainable development is aimed at the creation of sustainable improvement in the quality of life for all people, maximizing the net benefit of economic development and accelerating economic development in order to conserve and enhance the stock of environmental, human and physical capital without making future generation worse off. One therefore wonders less with the submission of Brundtland report that sustainable development is meeting the needs of the present generation, that is, development should keep going.

Sustainable agricultural development is the development that should be long lasting and contribute to the quality of life through improvement in the natural environment, equally, these natural environments in turn supply utility to individuals, input to the economic process and services that supports life. It implies therefore that the process must not allow resources to deteriorate. Sustainable economic development entails economic growth and activities that do not deplete or degrade natural resources upon which the present and future economic growth depends.


Finding remedies for environmental problems is synonymous with finding ways of sustaining the environment so that we can continue to reap from where we are sowing or enjoy the environment perpetually. The following are some of the policies that promote environmental sustainability:

  • improving institutions and governance,
  • addressing environmental protection and management,
  • improving the functioning of the markets,
  • strengthening international mechanisms,
  • investing in science and technology,
  • conserving critical ecosystem,
  • satisfying human needs (food, fiber and fuel) research on soil types,
  • limiting the sue of heavy machines, chemicals, burning activities e.t.c
  • legislation and sensitization, and
  • poverty alleviation, poverty rights and use of economic incentives.


The effects of the environment on sustainable agriculture cannot be over emphasized in the process of economic development. This therefore calls for the effective management of the ecosystem in order to ensure sustainable agricultural development. Equally, policies that promote environmental sustainability should be put in place and implemented such that the available natural resources in the environment are not depleted or destroyed thus ensuring the livelihoods and survival of future generations.

Above all the attainment of the MDGs should be made paramount such that the extinction of plants, animals and microbiological species and loss of genetic resources through environmental degradation should be prevented or checked through legislation, sensitization and environmental education among others.


Nigeria is an agrarian society where majority of the population depends on agriculture for employments, income and means of livelihood. Agriculture as practiced in the country is not sustainable due to various factors bedeviting that sector such as the natural and environmental factors. The effects of environmental degradations on agricultural production cannot be overemphasized. These has lead to soil and water pollution, several forms of hazards, deforestation, loss of biodiversity e.t.c.

In order for agriculture to be practiced at a sustainable level, there should be:

  • awareness campaign about the effects of the activities of man that could degrade the soil,
  • legislation on waste management,
  • soil conservation practices should be adopted,
  • there should be environmental protections and management,
  • environmental education should be introduced in the schools/higher institutions,
  • government should take the issues of environment seriously.


Impact of Soil Erosion and Degradation on Water Quality
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
Policy on Agriculture in Sustainable Development
Effects of Deforestation on Environmental Degradation



Hello @sirpee6, you addressed in your post aspects of utmost importance in agriculture, part of the environmental degradation is caused by the conventional management of agriculture, with the excessive use of pesticides and agricultural machinery.

I believe that within the recommendations that can be made is that a model of sustainable management be adopted, where the resources of the agricultural system are managed efficiently, respecting natural processes, with that intention was created the new agroecological paradigm.

To this end, producers and technicians must be trained, as well as including models of production in universities that focus on endogenous management of systems. A pleasure to greet you, excellent article, have a great weekend.


Thanks for the recommendation. Your points are noted.


Hi @sirpee excellent article. Thanks for sharing this information. I didn't know about the agricultural nature of Nigeria. Yes, every country must practice sustainability in order to preserve our previous resources. I believe the world's food supplies depend upon it.

I have a suggestion. Like a true bibliography, could you reference in your article when you use a particular information from each source. It would be helpful to know which one of the sources you get the information from.

You can use the superscript [sup x /sup] [need correct syntax for the beginning and ending] in your post at the end of the quoted material to indicate this. Then add the same number reference to the list of sources at the end of the article.


Hi @sirpee6 , very complete your article The issue of agricultural development is as complex as you put it, many factors to study. In tropical countries like Venezuela, there are disadvantages but also advantages that must be taken advantage of in order to find a sustainable development model. The educational factor as you mentioned is very important and the quality of life in rural areas. There are some technologies that can be implemented to reduce environmental degradation, but there is a lack of political will. Greetings


Yes, you're right. Most of the aforementioned points can be effected by the leaders of each nation. As individuals also, we also have a role to play.


The paper examines the concepts of environmental degradation, economic and agricultural development, causes and effects of environment on agricultural development and finally recommended measures to environmental problems.

Which paper are you referring to here?


Don't mind me... I meant to say the post. I did a project work on the topic that's why I wrote paper instead of post.

It was an error.


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