Mimi has grown up very fast, this is her story through time. [ENG/ESP]


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All living beings as time goes by we are growing and changing our physique, in humans it takes a few years and is a little slower, but in the case of animals this process is much faster, and in just months you can notice a big difference in the growth of a cat or a dog.

In the case of the cat I have at home, Mimi is about to turn 7 months since I adopted her and opened the doors of my home and the truth is that time flies by, since it seems to me that it was only yesterday when I found her mistreated and dirty in the street. That's why today I wanted to make her a post dedicated to all the growth she has had in these months and what I have shared with this magnificent community of pets, who have seen mimi shine since the first moment she arrived to our home.

In the first post I shared in the Hive Pets community about mimi, a few months ago, MIMI was about 2 months old and under our care, as I found her very mistreated, malnourished and with lack of hair. The first thing I did was to give her an intensive diet of proteins and vitamins to help her recover, since her body was consuming itself.


Mimi when she was 2 months old with us, we thought she was 3 months old at that time, but you can still see how small she was.

I asked a veterinarian friend of mine what I could give her to regain weight and coat, and what he recommended me was to give her fish or more specifically sardines, because of its great source of vitamins and omega 3, it would help the cat quickly. So I immediately bought her 1kilo and gave her only the meat, and it was very good for her because a week after giving her the sardine diet, she gained weight and got fur where she didn't have any.

So she was growing and growing, now that she was at her ideal weight and was healthy, the important thing was to educate or train her not to poop anywhere, but in the litter box. It took 2 months for her to learn to do her needs in the litter box, it was a whole process, since she would poop in the hardest to reach places to clean, so we had to close every hole in the house.



Aca Mimi was already 4 months old with us, so at that time she would have been 5 months old puppy, she is starting to grow up.

Then the new problem that arose was that we did not want them to steal her or hurt her, because where I live it is normal to mistreat or kill a cat, so I was afraid that this would happen to Mimi, so we always try to teach her to stay in the limits of the house and with strangers she does not let herself be caught, so my wife and I are calm.

Mimi's antics can't be missing, she constantly attacks our shoes and socks, also when she is hungry she starts to scratch our legs or brings crickets or butterflies to our feet, in recent days she scared us because she hunted a giant scolopendra or hundred feet, that for a minute we thought we were going to lose her because those hundred giant feet are extremely poisonous.

Yesterday my brother in law weighed Mimi to know what her current weight was, since when she arrived home she didn't even reach 500gr but now she weighs 3.9 kilos, and it is clear that she is a healthy and happy cat. But lately she has been gaining weight, we think that it is because of the winter or maybe she is pregnant, I do not discard the second option but in the same way we continue feeding her very well, since she has a protein diet based on sardine, chicken bones and rice.


This was today, mimi is about to be 6 months old with us, here you can see how happy she is to have her picture taken, she is about 7 months old, she is still a little bit short of a year old..

As we suspect she is pregnant, that will be the next problem we have to deal with as we have to deal with many kittens in the house, or new litter box training. But it's all part of the joy of having a cat as a pet, because more than the effort involved in having a pet, you really enjoy all the happy moments you have with a feline in your home.



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Todos los seres vivos a medida que va pasando el tiempo vamos creciendo y cambiando nuestro fisico, en los seres humanos toma algunos años y es un poco mas lento, pero en el caso de los animales este proceso es mucho mas rapido, ya que en tan solo meses se puede notar una gran diferencia en el crecimiento e un gato o un perro.

En el caso de la gata que tengo en casa, Mimi esta cerca de cumplir 7 meses desde que la adopte y le abri las puertas de mi hogar y la verdad es que el tiempo pasa volando, ya que me parece que fue solo ayer cuando la encontre maltratada y sucia en la calle. Por eso hoy queria hacerle un post dedicado a todo el crecimiento que ha tenido en estos meses y lo que he compartido con esta magnifica comunidad de mascotas, que ha visto brillar a mimi desde el primer momento que llego a nuestro hogar.

En la primera publicacion que comparti en la comunidad Hive Pets sobre mimi, hace alggunos meses, MIMI tenia al rededor de 2 meses ya bajo nuestro cuidado, como la encontre muy maltratada, desnutrida y con falta de pelo. Lo primero que hice fue darle una dieta intensiva de proteinas y vitaminas para que se recuperara, ya que su cuerpo se estaba consumiendo asi mismo.


Mimi cuando tenia 2 meses con nosotros, pensamos que en aquel entonces tendria 3 meses de cachorro, pero aun se puede notar lo pequeña que era.

Le pregunte a un amigo veterinario que le podia dar para que recuperar peso y pelaje, y lo que me recomendo fue darle pescado o mas especificamente sardina, ya que por su gran fuente de vitaminas y omega 3, ayudaria a la gata rapidamente. Asi que inmediatamente le compre 1kilo y le daba unicamente la carne, y le sento muy bien porque a la semana de haberle dado la dieta de sardina, aumento de peso y le salio pelaje donde no tenia.

Asi que fue creciendo y creciendo, ahora que estaba en su peso ideal y estaba sana, lo importante era educarla o entrenarla para que no hiciera popo donde sea, sino en la caja de arena. Pasaron 2 meses para que aprendiera a hacer sus necesidades en la caja de arena, fue todo un proceso, ya que se hacia popo en los luares de mas dificil asceso para limpiar, asi que tuvimos que cerrar todo hueco en la casa.



Aca Mimi ya tenia 4 meses con nosotros, asi que en aquel entonces tendria 5 meses de cachorro, Ya se empieza a notar como esta creciendo.

Luego el nuevo problema que surgio era que no queriamos que se la robaran o que le hicieran daño, ya que por donde vivo es normal maltratar a un gato o matarlo, asi que me daba temor de que eso le fuera a pasar a Mimi, por eso siempre tratamos de enseñarle a estar en los limites de la casa y con los desconocidos no se deja agarrar, asi que estamos tranquilos mi esposa y yo.

Las travesuras de Mimi no pueden faltar, ya que constantemente nos ataca los zapatos y las medias, tambien cuando tiene hambre nos empza a rajuñar las piernas o nos trae grillos o mariposas a los pies, en dias recientes nos asusto ya que cazo a una escolopendra o cien pies gigante, que por un minuto pensamos que la ibamos a perder ya que esos cien pies gigantes son extremadamente venenosos.

El dia de ayer mi cuñado peso a Mimi para saber cual era su peso actual, ya que cuando llego a casa ni siquiera llegaba a los 500gr pero ahora pesa 3,9 kilos, y se ve que es una gata sana y feliz. Pero el que ultimamente ha estado subiendo de peso, pensamos que debido al invierno o tal vez este embarazada, no descarto la segunda opcion pero de igual manera la seguimos alimentando muy bien, ya que tiene una dieta de proteina a base de sardina, huesos de pollo y arroz.


Esto fue el dia de hoy, ya mimi esta cerca de tener 6 meses con nosotros, aqui se ve como esta muy feliz de que le tomen fotografias, Su esdad debe rondar los 7 meses, aun falta un poco para que llegue a un año.

Como sospechamos que esta embarazada, pues ese sera el proximo problema con el cual nos tenemos que enfrentar ya que tengamos que lidiar con muchos gatitos en la casa, o tambien nuevos entrenamientos con la caja de arena. Pero todo es parte de la alegria de tener como mascota a un gato, ya que mas que el esfuerzo que implica tener una mascota, se disfruta mucho todo los momentos felices que tienes con un felino en tu hogar.


#cats #animallover #ocd #hivepets #upmewhale #palnet #neoxian
