ESP/ING Mi gatita Charloth...🐈 ~ My kitten Charloth ... 🐈 by @marvirg10


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Hola mis queridos amigos de la comunidad #HIVEPETS, el día de hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes a una de mis 2 gatitas una se llama pelusa y a esta que le voy a presentar se llama charloth, ellas llegaron aquí a mi casa y me fui encariñando poco a poco con ellas les daba comida, no estaba preparada para tener un animal pero ellas me cayeron tan bien que se quedaron conmigo..🐈
Hello my dear friends of the #HIVEPETS community, today I come to share with you one of my 2 kittens, one is called fluff and the one that I am going to introduce is called charloth, they came here to my house and I was fond of little by little I gave them food with them, I was not ready to have an animal but I liked them so much that they stayed with me..🐈


Charloth esta a punto de traer gatitos y se ha visto muy inquieta buscando comodidad y refugio para tener a sus gatitos, esta agresiva por su parto que hasta cuando le iba a capturar las fotos me mordió, pero hay que comprenderla por el dolor y el momento que esta pasando porque ella es muy cariñosa y juguetona, ya hemos pasado por esto porque ella ya ha tenido varios partos, ella no sale de casa sino cuando esta en su tiempo de celos.🐈
Charloth is about to bring kittens and she has been very restless looking for comfort and shelter to have her kittens, she is aggressive about her delivery that even when she was going to capture the photos she bit me, but you have to understand her because of the pain and the moment What is happening because she is very affectionate and playful, we have already gone through this because she has already had several births, she does not leave the house but when she is in her time of jealousy.🐈

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Es muy interesante saber el dolor que ellas sufren al tener a sus gatitos, definitivamente ya que los haya parido se los mostrare, aunque cuando ella ya los tiene se pone muy agresiva que intenta morder y los esconde de nosotros.🐈
It is very interesting to know the pain they suffer when having their kittens, definitely since she has given birth to them I will show them to her, although when she already has them she gets very aggressive that she tries to bite and hides them from us.🐈


A mis primos y a mis hermanos les encanta los gatos y hasta se ponen a inventar de hacerle casita darle agua y leche, y yo les digo ellos no se van a beber eso todavía, ellos están muy pequeños mas adelante cuando ya tengan tres semanas..🐈
My cousins and my brothers love cats and they even start inventing to make a house for him to give him water and milk, and I tell them they are not going to drink that yet, they are very young later when they are three weeks old .. 🐈

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Tener un gato no es muy fácil ellos necesitan esterilización si el dueño quiere que no tenga gatitos, y yo no la quise esterilizar poque me encantan los gatitos, y ellos son muy comelones..🐈
Having a cat is not very easy, they need sterilization if the owner wants him to not have kittens, and I did not want to sterilize her because I love kittens, and they are very eaters.

