"BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" book by Milton William Cooper, 1991 – An Introduction Primer.


Give me control over a nation's currency,
and I care not who makes its laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
(1743 - 1812)

Project Revelation

If you have been on Hive for any amount of time, then you are aware that there are different communities and projects that are in various stages of development. I have been watching and trying to stay on top of as many as possible, and one that is not well known, but very interesting to me, is ProjectRevelation. I am not completely sure, as I am not on the team, but I believe it is planned to be some kind of a game here on #Hive. I do know they already have their “io” address, and currently have it locked except for a few posts. Those, however, are very, very interesting to say the least. In light of the imminent launch of this platform, I would like to introduce you to a book I read, in prison, at age nineteen. I had already read Von Daniken at that time, so I was an “open thinker” so to speak, but this book, this book for real, changed my life and the way I would think from that point forward.

The search for the "Tin Foil Crown..."

The beginning of this book begins by outlining something called "Quiet Weapons for Quiet Wars," which was a report that was supposed to be carried out by NASA. Yes, that NASA. The document can be seen - Here - at the StopTheCrime.net, but be aware the site is not SSL secure. If you go and read this document, you will quickly see that there has been a plan, outlined since 1991 that appears to be playing out now. The document starts by saying that they do not know the authenticity of the document, but further reading makes it clear that someone, somewhere, knew something. It then states...

Silent weapons for quiet wars
Operations Research Technical Manual

The document then goes on to explain a program of cyber, biological, chemical, and atmospheric warfare that was planned to be unleashed on humanity in the near future. Apparently, this was in response to the "Powers that be" realizing that humanity had to combat "Climate Change" that was brought on by the very elites that were making this plan. The goal, again apparently, was to "cull," or reduce, humanity. This was thirty years ago, and you should think about that as you read on here...

The Author...

William Cooper is a legend in the "Conspiracy" world. He makes clear his credentials and who he is in the book, providing pictures of his military service, and document photocopies of what he says in the book. Regarding "Quiet Weapons..." he states:

I read Top Secret documents which explained that "Silent
Weapons for Quiet Wars" is the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of
the Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. A copy found in 1969 was in the possession of Naval Intelligence. The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
An introductory programming manual
Operations Research
Technical Manual

as you can see, the manual number, etc, are the same...

Wild Statements, but...

This book truly does outline things thirty years ago that are amazing in their precognizance. For example, in chapter nine, "Anatomy of an Alliance," the book states,

The microbe would be used against the general population
and would be introduced by the vaccine. The prophylactic was to be used by
the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is
decided that enough people have died. The cure will be announced as
newly developed when in fact it has existed from the beginning. This plan
is a part of Global 2000.

What is referred to in this as "Global 2020" stems from the Global Risks Report 2020 which is the precursor to Agenda 21. If you are unaware, Agenda 21 is currently being marketed under the rebranding of the "Green New Deal." At least in the united states.


This book continues to outline various tentacles in the global conspiracy that appears more and more to be worth looking at very seriously, especially when the UFO "angle" is taken into account. From the "Bilderberg Group," which is verified to exist, even in the mainstream, to "The Majestic Twelve Group," Behold A Pale Horse is a must-read for anyone that wants to have a better understanding of what is going on in the world today. Take for example this statement about a law being introduced then - thirty years ago - in light of #Crypto and financial matters today...

This is a big one. The act orders a study to be made on whether to
withdraw $100 bills and $50 bills from circulation (Sec. 6187). THIS

cashless society, huh? Interesting...


Bill Cooper uses a verse from the Book of Revelation to open the book, and I will use the actual page here...


I seriously could continue to write an entire book about this book, but, since William Cooper already did that THIRTY YEARS AGO and it clearly explains not only in autobiographical form but with - THE ACTUAL DOCUMENTS - what exactly is going on today and why, how about you read the book yourself and make up your own mind!

It is free by the way, and you can read it in PDF form - HERE-. I would highly encourage you to do so before you cannot.
