My Company or My One Night Stand (1)


I could barely get through the conference meeting because I was distracted. Being celibate for while now has not been and I don't think I can continue on that journey again. Quickly after saying my goodbyes to the board of directors of my company, I headed straight to my office. Slamming the door shut, I leaned against it. The stress from the last few months has finally caught up with me. And I have no fucking clue what to do about it. Letting out a sigh, I slid down the door until I landed on my ass. This is probably going to be the longest month of my life.

Pushing myself back up, I went to my desk and sat down. Pulling out my laptop, I opened it and started to type away, trying to come up with an idea for some new product ideas for my company, my mind kept wandering off though; I have not been able to focus on anything, it's almost driving me insane. Finally, I snapped when I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Come in." I called out.

The door opened slightly, and Jennifer, my best friend, stuck her head into my office nervously, "Hey you!" She said. Coming in, she handed me a bottle of water. Seeing her brighten my mood instantly. I sighed and took the bottle of water from her and chugged down the whole bottle.

"How did you know to bring water for me?"

"Because I know you hate water. I am sure you have not been hydrating well." she said looking at me

"Alright! You got me! Jenny, I need a day off, but I can't. My company can't afford for me to go off. Not now that we are bidding for the biggest contract".

"How about a night off?"

"A night off?! Are you mad? You know I stay up to work at night"

"Just this night. It would be fun I promise and to assure you more, I would release my assistance to you for tomorrow. How about that? Huh?" Jennifer suggested.

"Urghhh! That is a spicy offer Jenny, but…"

"Ah-no! You need to have fun tonight. When was the last time you got laid?"

"Jenny! I swear to God if this comes back to bite me in the ass, I am coming for you" I said

"I promise it won't! C'mon Rebecca, what do you say?"

"Alright then! I need to get laid"

So I called my secretary to clear up my calendar for the night. Afterwards, Jenny and I left together to my penthouse to prepare and have a change of clothes. On our way to my place, we ate some chocolate candies infused with pods. I guess that was Jenny's way of telling me that we start the fun early. It took us an hour to get ready and then Jenny took me to a new Jazz club that has just been opened four weeks downtown. Though I drove us there with her directions because she was already stoned.

As I pulled over in front of the club, Jenny said, "did you know that scientists just discovered the food that reduces sex drive?"

Confused I said, "What do you mean? "

She then busted out laughing hard and said, "It's called a wedding cake!. Can I get you some?!"

Frustrated with her silly jokes I said, "Get out of my car!"

So we both got out and I handed over my car keys to the vale after which we both walked into the glamorous Jazz club. Jenny knows so well I concluded. Then we went upstairs and found ourselves in an elegant elevator. I held the door open for her. Once we were on the top floor, Jenny led me into another elevator where another beautiful, older gentleman held the door open for us. He had a small smile on his lips as he escorted us into the nightclub. There are lights everywhere and there are people here. Everyone is dressed like they were made for this occasion. The whole place is filled with music and people dancing.

After a few minutes, we located a very conserved booth where there wasn't much light reflected in the direction, so we sat there and waited for the drink menu. After some time the cocktail waiter came to take orders and we also ordered some grilled chicken wings. As we were waiting for orders, Jenny saw a friend, so she left me all alone to go see him. All alone looking around, I saw a man looking at me, disgusted with his steering, I rolled my eyes and looked the other way.

"All these white boys, they are trouble" I muttered under my breath. It was my mum's words, not mine.

"Hey! That guy is dying for you. You want to have him" Jenny said as she approached our booth.

"You know I don't like white men right?!"

"I know Rebecca, but it won't cost anything to explore that area. I heard they are romantic. So free up! Don't be uptight. Keep an open mind".

"No Jenny, don't put stupid ideas in your head. I am stoned."

"Oops! He comes! I have to go the bathroom" Jenny said.

"No. Don't leave me." I said

Quickly I put myself in order before he got to our booth. As he approached, I realized I didn't notice his features from where he was sitting. Never seen one as handsome as he is before. He’s the epitome of everything a woman could ask for in a man. His hair is silky black, almost looking like it was made out of ink. He has beautiful golden eyes that are bright even with dim lights. He’s well built and six and four feet tall. As he walked I saw his muscles flexing under his shirt, which made my stomach twist in knots.

To be continued...

Thank you for visiting my blog 🤗


Girls' night out and looking for trouble. :)
Maybe the ladies of Hive should have a celibacy challenge and see what happens after one month. This place would go mad. 😂
Enjoyable read!


😂You can already smell trouble. For the ladies that will be quite an adventure for all of us, but one month?! 🤭. I reserve my comment on that🏃🏻‍♀️.

Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment. Stay happy always 🤗


This is a slice of life I know little about! Girls out to get laid. You hooked me with this; I'm off to read the next one.


🤭🤭 Girls night is always an adventure lol. Thank you for the visit. I am glad I got you hooked. Hahah I see in the next part lol.



Rebecca Rebecca!!!

Bravo Esther👏❤️
