Homeschooling Holiday: Using charcoal to teach my siblings at home!


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Greetings to lovely homeschooling parents. I am here again in this very platform.

It quite a long time have not used charcoal to write on the board for Children. I stopped using charcoal in my secondary school days to write on the board.

I traveled to the village to visit my parents and to spent few days with them.

One of the days, my younger sister came out with a charcoal on her hand, starting to write on the board. I sat down behind her and direct her on what to do.

I asked her to write A B C D E F. And she wrote. Beneath the alphabet she decided to write on her own from 1 2 3 4 5 6.

Good to do this on her own when she feels like doing it without waiting for white chalk or Marker.

Today, homeschooling teachers or Homeschooling Parents are no more using charcoal on the board for their children anymore. Why? Because it can leave mess behind.

In those days, my parents used charcoal on the board for us, they did not mine if their clothes would be messed up or not. Now, my parents can't be on coperate wear and use charcoal on the board for my younger siblings.

Some Children in the village are sensible enough not using charcoal in other to avoid unwanted smudges on their hands or clothes.

Usefulness of charcoal
It can be used to write on the board.
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  • Charcoal is gotten from burnt
    fire wood.

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  • Charcoal can be used to roast plantain, chicken.



  • It can be used for drawing.



  • Charcoals is used to cook food.



Thank you for reading my post. God bless you.

