My favorite and hated personalities in Hive


Hello friends Hivers.

I was surprised to find this challenge from @bluemist. And it is a challenge because I will talk about people I don't know physically but through the interaction I have had with them in Hive. If you want to know more, you can visit the original publication of @bluemist HERE.

Source: @bluemist blog

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The general idea is to describe two authors. A favorite personality and an annoying personality. I will abuse and try to describe three favorite personalities and one annoying one.

First favorite personality

She is a woman. She likes art. She has made several contests. Her artistic style is bold, rare and visionary. Many of her publications are related to the discovery and support of other artists in Hive. She is the leader of a community in Hive. She lives outer space. Currently, she is very excited about the achievements of collectible digital art.

Second favorite personality

He is a man. He likes photography. He has a vision of collective growth in Hive. He manages an artistic community in Hive. From there he has opened a school to expand knowledge in the handling of illustration software. He promotes a contest that in each round new artists participate. The winners of the contest are chosen in user votes. He lives in the Hiveland.

Third Favourite Personality

She is a woman. She's the most positive person I've ever met at Hive. She has a captivating energy. She is a passionate and determined woman in her projects. She is enthusiastic about food and likes wine. She is very clear about the decentralised path she wants to promote. She is founder of a creative community in hive. Recently (June) her mother passed away and she spent many sad days without being able to publish. Many users admire her publications.

And now, an annoying personality.

She is a woman. She has moderate power. She receives good rewards on both platforms. She supported the decentralization of the hive communities but continued to win on the other platform. I think there has been hypocrisy in her attitude and actions. For example, she makes the same publication for both platforms receiving a generous reward from the same whale.

Hahahaha, I hope you can guess the personalities described.
A great greeting to all.

"The strength of your convictions determines your success, not the number of your followers"

Remus Lupin. (Harry Potter)



I think I may know one of them ;) xxx !tip

If you are looking to join a great interactive & supportive #HIVE community on discord that not only welcomes ALL content genres but isn't just a massive sea of spammers and plagiarists... then come and join us in the Power House Creatives Server


You are a giant. You are beautiful. You are special. I admire you!


Oh my sweetie - you are WAYYYYYY too generous with your words - MWAH!!!!!
