Is there Freedom of Speech in Syria?


The level of freedom of speech in Syria might be a shock for many readers here, there's a massive western and regional propaganda against Syria to demonize the state and everything Syrian and to block the country and isolate it from the rest of the world, and punish its people.

Instead of helping in this demonizing efforts by the Pentagon and Co., how about actually doing some research and try to use logic and common sense and also, despite being so much difficult, try to forget for some time what you know about Syria from your western media source and think in an objective way.

An important disclaimer: Syria is not a heaven for freedoms, at least in the way western citizens understand freedoms, political freedom of speech is limited to an agreed upon extent by the majority of Syrians.

Syria is a civilization before being a state. It's the oldest continuous country and nation and societies on the planet, the Syrian people in their genes have absorbed all humanity. Civilization is not large modern buildings, we're talking about civilized people not structures.

Keeping that in consideration what you might think is acceptable in freedoms like have sex on the street (deep kissing is part of that), in Syria is a taboo, the community set this limit, similarly, slanders are not accepted, you can criticize the government's policies or conduct, you can call them all as corrupt but you don't talk bad about a particular minister, well unless he's proven corrupt in a court. It's not a matter of freedom, it's a matter of honor, dignity, and good manners.

In this context and following up on a previous discussion I sent to a friend of mine here on Steemit, I'll leave his name out and if he wants he can comment on this post, the following post from a Syrian opposition front based in Amman Jordan about and added the following:

See the debates at the Syrian parliament, we had even more stronger than that, in one round and it was even during late Hafez Assad times, who was considered very strict comparing with now Dr. Bashar, the parliament members started investigating the government ministers one by one and threw several of them away, some in prison, and the government was entirely replaced. Now compare this with any other country in our region and beyond:

He replied:
"the Wikipedia article on free speech in Syria still seems to indicate very specific examples in Syria where free speech is limited, for example internet cafes required to log bloggers content writing..."

And the following is my reply (if there's any incoherent string in the below is because I was writing with the mobile and thoughts were coming faster than my fingers on the keyboard):

I thought I shared with you an article on how Wikipedia is updated by Israeli trained professionals in their favor, showing 10% truth and adding their 'hasbara' to it. Google what's hasbara.

The first entry in Google search will be from Wikipedia itself telling you it's state propaganda showing everything about Israel is good...

Btw, to show something intangible is good, you would need to compare it with things you show that are bad.

The article you linked above in Wikipedia, besides it's being run by Israelis and besides it's being complete rubbish, when it talks about the internet cafe logging the sites people are visiting, which I believe every single device you use to view every single website and every single cookie installed when you visit a website does, the link has a source, did you check the source? It's an American sponsored NGO. Do you know what happens if you search from any device anywhere in the USA for specific terms? You'll have the NSA informing all security branches to pay you a visit... So please don't bring me examples from Wikipedia run by professional paid Israelis quoting a post by an American sponsored NGO that doesn't have the given source even...!

Wikipedia citing non-existing article on RSF.jpg

The non-existing article on RSF cited by Wikipedia.jpg
The source article used to cite a false info in a Wikipedia entry Does Not Exist.

Now back to Reporters without Borders, did you check their sponsors? They start with ridiculous parties like bookshops and advertising agencies then scroll down: the CIA front US federal agency the NED, the French defense, interior, and foreign ministries. I'm about to puke, sorry.

If these are freedom of speech sponsors, I guess Assange and Snowden would disagree with you, and more than half of the world.

Check for yourself:

So please, we've been killed by fake hypocrite promoters of free speech including top Rothschild's Banks!! You must be kidding, right?

So first of all Wikipedia, an Israeli controlled front, its owner and founder a leading Zionist with links to all Western state agencies, yes they have some very valuable information, but that falls under the 10% useful where 90% is controlled.

Then its source is pointing to a non-existing article, at least from the link itself which they shared.

Then the party they claim to use as a source, the Reporters without Borders, is a proven US tool to bomb for democracy.. it's sponsored by the CIA (NED), French 3 ministries in charge of silencing, censorship, foreign invasions, and domestic oppression, ask the Yellow Vests about the coverage they get in French state media, and Rothschild's owned banks..!


You know, I can't blame you, it's interesting enough to see someone as young as you from and in a Western country under the enormous Mainstream Media campaigns to manipulate the information they give you, yet you noticed a good extent of their lies.. you're among the 1% of the non Sheeple, it's very difficult trust me.

It took me a lot of efforts, time, research, comparing news, applying common sense and logic, and more importantly my firsthand knowledge to decide to write what I write.

Syrians, exactly opposite the western impression about them, are very very politicized and you'd be surprised to how much they know about their enemies than the taxpayers of those countries themselves.

Any other country, even if it was Germany if you want, or Britain or anyone, faces the Coalition of criminals we faced since 2011, would have collapsed in days, weeks, and first months... The crisis lasted in Syria because our own allies were and still are very reluctant to help, even though they're targeted with the same. In the first 2 years, our army was alone fighting over 40 fronts every single day all over the country and not counting the terrorist attacks. The first ally that came in was the Lebanese Hezb Allah, they came in when their own shrines were blown up by the terrorists then villages in Homs countryside near the borders with Lebanon were attacked, these villages have about 30,000 Lebanese who took refugee there since the Lebanese civil war, then the Israeli wars against Lebanon. Hezb joined in the first quarter 2013.

Iran joined NEGATIVELY, until end of 2013, and even beyond, they continued helping our enemies and sending little help to Syria. Our enemies include Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood organization.

When did the Russians come? End of September 2015 and after the US created its coalition to protect ISIS.

Until today, the Russian help is half for us and half against us...! They are behind the growing influence of the SDF and other Kurdish separatists, they even have like an embassy in Russia, and Russia keeps pressuring Syria to accept their land theft and join them in a federation...!

Otherwise, there was no chance for the US and its club in Syria.

Just a small example: Imagine you open the TV to watch the news on your trusted channel which says there are about half a million protesters in your own neighborhood, you go outside and see it's a quiet weekend morning and barely anybody there, you go back to the TV and they start showing shaky footage of protests and insist it's in your neighborhood and the numbers are growing, you go out again and see nothing at all, your family members start calling you non stop asking you what's going on and be safe, and you try to tell them there's nothing and the only answer you get: yes, we know you can't talk because of the state censorship, just be safe.

So you decide to go out to the streets just to find many like you coming out to see what happened then when you gather together to ask what's going on, your family abroad see you on that same channel as protesters and start calling again non stop! Then you go back home and watch the same footage of you gathering on all news channels and on social media saying 'more than half a million are on the streets,' 'the days of the regime are over,' and each news channel brings to their studios and calls the 'expert analysts' who all repeat exactly the same words, they even call a fake name who starts calling for international protection for their peaceful protests.... You make videos to prove there's nothing and send it everywhere and the only answer you get: yes we understand you can't talk because of the state censorship and the videos you just took with your mobile phone are old. Online 'activists' start calling you 'the enemy of the people,'' Assadist,'' regime apologists,' and circulate your name and address, they got from your videos, everywhere and now you feel threatened from terrorists who will definitely try to reach you and now they have your name and picture with them whenever you try to go outside the city...

When you ask your family members to watch the state TV channels airing live from the same places after all news agencies were reporting the almost million protesters now, and they can't even find 200 in the whole neighborhood, the state reporters ask them on TV live: this channel said that there's a huge protest here, what is the time and date now, the person replies to prove the interview is live, the state channels split their screens to show the empty streets on one side with these interviews, and the other side on all other channels outside the country massive protests live.... At that point, who do you believe? What would you do?

That's just one scenario my friend from one Friday we lived and exactly what happened to us. And that's the work of all those billions of dollars and NGOs.

Another example:
Until today they keep repeating that in the central City of Hama more than 900,000 protesters joined an anti-Asaad protest on a Friday in the city's main square, and they show videos of it, and if you didn't know or bothered to do research you'll easily fall for it.

The city of Hama and its entire countryside, all villages and towns, the entire population of them is 800,000 before the war, and they're telling more than 900,000 are at a single protest in the city's main roundabout downtown.

The roundabout has 4 junctions with 2 Lanes of each street, 3 lanes inside the roundabout, and there's a large clock tower in the middle, so how can 900,000 protesters, all young males only, fit in a place that can barely accommodate 1500 people standing squeezed shoulder to shoulder?

Then from where would they bring all young males in that number, when the pre-war population was 800,000 including women, elder men, and children....?

Then if you look closely and freeze the screen in the rare times they take a bigger picture, you'll see every group of protesters in the frame wear the same colors, you look closely and you'll see the frame is multiplied several times to show more people. And if you pay close attention you'll notice that all protesters even that same group which was multiplied are wearing winter clothes, heavy jackets, and the weather is too much cold with black cloud but not yet rain, when the day they aired this was in late July (mid summer in Syria)... and people still believe Western media, I become speechless and feel sorry for humanity.

I urge you to visit each link and read the contents yourself. Don't let a few control you.

Media is a science, it's not activism, real activists are in jail, liars fill the screens and earn big salaries.

That's it.

For sure many would not believe but you need to go there to find out yourself and not depend on people with special interests to feed you information. 'Free journos are in prison and fake news promoters earn the big salaries'.

Your objective comments are always welcomed.

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