Anti-Harassment "Safety Mode"


How can you sell Censorship?

People hate it if you call it censorship. But what if it was named differently? Something we feel safe about?

Do you like Cyberbullying? Do you like harassment? Do you like misinformation?

Most people will say, no.

So what can WEB2 offer to sell those people censorship?

A safe Internet. No harassment. Only news you want to read. Only people accept your opinion. No harassment, no anger, no problems.

Make the feeling as a Casino everyone wins.


Why this is important to understand?

It is already all happening.

Alternate Facts.

False Information marks

Call everything WEB2 dont like cybercriminals.

Censor other Opinions, remove likes, remove post, shadow ban and keep on bubble building.

The result is game the System, influence mainstream Opinions, and also influence elections.

Average users become with the time more and more retarded. We see it already (and I don't want to come deep into the mobile apps for morons and retards).

People must understand WEB2 is all about commercial interests. Every post you see is about money. Special on all influencers out there. In some way they receive money. Promoting a product, opinion or something else they benefit from. It is an Internet build on lies and wrong Information.


Why is this so dangerous?

A shadowban is in general a algo manipulation against someone / some opinion. Hive can sing a song about that.

The dangerous about it, it let some opinions ( even if mainstream) look like the opinion of some randoms. It can hide truth. It is 100% against Freedom of speech in any sense.

It is something like, you have the wrong opinion? Have fun with it nobody will see it. Only if you have the right opinion you can be part of the game.

Regular Bans.

That is something I talk to so many people since years. Do you build a business on WEB2? If Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or whatever company it is removed your Account, your business is gone. You lose the connection to your customers.

That's why say " build an Email list". Yeah a bit offtopic, but that's how you can get back control of your followers/users besides WEB3.

Btw, the older generation will know it. The first time WEB2 pops up, that was exactly the point businesses don't like. They join because the users were there.


The Social Media bubble.

I could write 10k words on that topic alone. In short.

People are only together with people with the same opinion. The result is people think their retarded stuff is the mainstream opinion. They will have no conversation about people with other opinions to see the other side.

The result is hate, stupidness, weird logic, and flat earth.

If you want to test, clear your browser. Go to youtube. Type in something random. Watch 1-2 videos. Congratulations, you are now in the bubble. The recommended videos will all be around that topic.

Now think about your login and you can clear it up. That's how WEB2 works.

False Information, remove posts/likes and mark Post as wrong.

This is IMO the most dangerous thing for society ever.

Mark as "False Information. Some random reads it, mark it as wrong and now the user can responds to them.

Maybe the User knows it is wrong and wants to write the "right story". Now the user cant responds to the post.

It makes the bubble feeling even stronger. If you believe it, you see no other opinion.

After it doesn't matter if the information was wrong or right.

IMO Freedom means I have access to all opinions and I can build my own out of that information. And i think that's how it should work.

Remove posts/likes and so on makes everything even worse.


How do they sell us the censorship?

Like I mentioned above, security and safe feelings are always the best way to sell something bullshit.

Wanna have insurance against aliens? Sure you can buy and feel safe. Makes it sense? Nobody asks that question.

Twitter releases the Anti-Harassment "Safety Mode" for users against "Disruptive Interactions".



Remembers me to Google for safe browsing, which includes reducing organic rankings and removes "less valuable content" from searches.

Or the Facebook "safety advertisement update". That doesn't allow some topics to advertise for. And no, political and false information are still allowed :) Even the trick promoting posts still works, even if they are 100% prebuild (with comments):D

Twitter does the next step of censorship. IMO the smartest thing they can do is shadowban as mastertool. Don't show post-ups in feeds and so on.

Call it "Safety Mode - Anti harassment" and security for children and the people love it.

Because if you are alone with your opinion, you are more likely to change it right?


Ownership of accounts is nothing that's nice to have, it's needed. Wrong facts, opinions or not. Not a single entity should tell other people what's wrong or right. That is 100% against freedom.

Hive is in the unique position to remove all that problems and build a free internet without Overlords that tell us what's wrong or right.

And in my opinion, web2 never becomes better again. It will only become more worse from day to day. As long users are guests without any rights, there will never change everything.

And why they should do it?

My 2 cents about that topic. It should be a shorter post about the Twitter update and become this :) Sorry for the wall of text.

The next post will be again a short and informative shitpost :)


Not a single entity should tell other people what's wrong or right. That is 100% against freedom.

Decentralise everything

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


IMO the layer information is on should be always neutral.
