RE: The Narcissist’s Agenda: Seduce - Abuse - Move On


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Cope and I have gotten into this one quite a few times due to our own past experiences. It's definitely an intense experience and trying to warn others often feels like it's completely in vain. Many times people don't want to see it due to codependent bullshit and some people are even aware but struggle with abandonment issues so they keep putting up with it because they believe it's better than the alternative. Letting go of that fear of the unknown and putting all of that misplaced attention back onto ourselves is the only thing that I've found that seems to work, but I guess everyone has to find their own path. Much love.


Ahhh man hearing from you makes me happy! I was thinking of Cope lately. As he would say, gotta give it up for the epic power of synchronicities:P You are so spot on.

I don't know if this can be helpful to anyone you know or maybe even yourself but Dr Ramani is hands down the best therapist I know and she is specialized in narcissistic abuse. She makes tons of extremely valuable videos on the topic on her youtube channel. I love her so much.

Sending much love your way 💙💙
