Spring in Mountain Area : Bicycle Rider


Peace Hive Bloggers,

We are in the time of reflection about our relation with the nature in general the environment. This break in the working places has shown that it was possible to allow ourselves to recover from common health issues.

In certain places in the most developed city around the world clean air with the lowest pollution is back. Do the impact of our activities on the local environment match the cost of health care expense on monthly bases?
Current studies are already computing the data collected during this lock down period. Although the cost on the economy will be expected in billion of dollars we should consider the cost benefit of this periodic shutdown on the living species interaction with humans being.

The social distance in mountain area is not that difficult. The cabin of mountaineers are spread on a very large area and we meet on various activities we had in community. Travelers attraction in the region focuses on the landscape benefit for sport, photo, climbing and sky.

Bike in the forest around is great as an outdoor activity. The weather will get warmer and appropriate for cycling in the path selected for the mountain bike rider.


What sport activity do you like to do in the coming spring ? Do you plan to conduct your physical activities in accord with the current health dispositions?

Our parent have taught us to eat proper food since our young age. As we grew up some of this advise fade away and general habits that damage our health creep in. It is wise to catch up with our elderly parent recipes. We are still learning to keep our immune system strong enough to live a long happy life.

Thanks for reading this post and spend sometimes on our blog.
