MOVIE REVIEW: "Jeepers Creepers" (2001)



Synopsis: Upon returning home down a motionless road, brothers Trish and Darry see a figure shooting what appears to be a wrapped body. Stopping to investigate, they discover hundreds of mutilated bodies hanging beneath an old church.

One of the main goals that horror cinema most aims to achieve is to be able to create an icon so distinct from what is commonly seen in movies of the genre, that is able to be part of the hall of the most harmful creatures and that by table, become a source of inspiration for the emergence of new villains. In a way, this movie carries some of this DNA... But it's not enough to make it reach a status of importance as high as it should.

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The mythology in which the script tries to trace the origins of all the events of the movie (and thereby try to create a story with a unique style) is based on the fact that a mysterious and horrendous creature that every 23 years, for 23 days in the The North American spring period reappears to install the terror feeding on the people it meets along the way. Behind every new kill the creature commits is a specific motivation: to remove a specific organ it needs to regenerate (or just strengthen).

This could be the main differential of the script, something that would make it unique in its explanation as it tries to justify the brutal acts seen on the scene ... But it is precisely in the exaggeration of sedimenting this idea that things start to get out of control and get kind of boring, making the script start to walk around itself. So that potential for creating a new mythology within this universe is slowly fading away... But it still manages to remain a movie that deserves the viewer's attention.


As soon as they develop (which never seems to reach such a high point... except for their scenes at the end of the third act), the deaths begin to randomize and what was to be seen as something peculiar becomes something watered banal and violence (some of them well executed, shown in explicit ways) and free blood. Not all attacks on this issue are bad, but banalizing the idea excludes much of its potential. Little by little the film loses much of its energy, but fortunately still manages to maintain a positive balance because of other aspects.

The cast, for example, is responsible for maintaining all the tension and insecurity that surrounds the plot. Gina Philips and Justin Long were a great charismatic duo and deliver good-quality performances that reflect the level of urgency that they have to learn to deal with. Jonathan Breck - with a great makeup job - living the hungry creature also deserves recognition. Together they maintain a good dynamic and through an efficient didactic (which ties them even further, creating an essential link to the narrative), they make their respective characters become so big and important that they are the greatest hits of the whole project.


Although none of them have such a deep development (by the way, an aspect that I did not miss much... but if treated more carefully, would add more value to the story because it would make it something more immersive), which is shown in The screen is more than enough to arouse some kind of empathy or revulsion in the public. This is something that happens naturally (without the script having to desperately appeal to some cliché) and shows how strong their essence is, as well as their weight in the mythology that the film tries to create throughout its construction.

Victor Salva is the insane mind behind the script with a vibe that tries to drink from the gushing fountain in cult cinema. He also directs the film and as much as he has a great time walking the plot presenting well-grounded work with a certain level of creativity (showing priority over the content at hand), he bumps into the hype at the top. It seeks to create a story that at all costs tries to prove innovative and different (something it can't quite do because it gets lost amid some misconceptions).


Maintaining a satisfactory level of suspense and a very interesting production that helps consolidate the movie's content, Jeepers Creepers can be seen as a pleasant surprise within horror cinema because amid so much bad and generic movie examples (for no reason whatsoever exist), he can stand out (even with his punctual problems) in a noticeably remarkable way and stands out primarily for his intention / boldness to be different.

MOVIE URL: Jeepers Creepers

MY RATING: AA (7,0/10)

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