Can these 3 ingredients become corona virus drugs?

Hi guys, how are you to night ?

Plants and fruit that you see in this post, very often you find in our lives, precisely it is often found in your own kitchen. Especially for the Indonesian people themselves, these ingredients become one of the obligations for the mother when cooking in the kitchen. Because these ingredients are used to cook vegetables or cook fish to make staple food.

These ingredients when combined will become a spice in the kitchen as a food delicacy while adding the fragrance to the fish and vegetable curry. However, if used separately it will become one of the traditional medicines that are well known for its usefulness, and even ancient people often consumed these ingredients separately to treat a disease in the body without any side effects from the results of consuming them.

Lime fruit

1. Lime fruit

Lime is one of the fruit plants belonging to the order or clan of oranges that come from the Rutaceae tribe, which contains citric acid which has a sour taste or acid that is perfect and fresh.

So that with the perfect acid content, it is often added to every fish or meat that is to be cooked, this is very useful to kill bacteria or germs that are sometimes in the meat. Finally, the meat that has been added with lime juice will be fresh and the meat is very healthy for consumption.

Then the fresh acid in lime can also destroy fat in the human body either in the respiratory tract or fat in the blood, consume it only by applying it or mixing it into every meat to be cooked.

But if you can consume it directly enough to drink half a teaspoon of lime juice once a week or once a month, then whatever fat is in the respiratory tract or in the blood will dissolve by itself.

Ginger plant

2. Ginger plant

This spice is said to be Ginger. It is a spice plant with the Latin name Zingiber Officinale, ginger itself is a mainstay of mothers in cooking. Ginger is very useful for daily life, especially in the health field, this has been recognized by every health expert. Medical experts say that there are various ingredients in it such as nutrition or nutrients as well as minerals and plant compounds that are beneficial to human health if consumed.

At first the ginger was known to have originated from Asia Pacific which spread from India to China so it reached Indonesia. In Indonesia, ginger is relatively easy to find and its use has expanded not only for cooking purposes but for medicinal ingredients in herbal remedies.

Apart from being a cooking tool, it can also be consumed raw. If you experience itching in the esophagus, coughing, or shortness of breath due to sputum or other sticky fluid in the respiratory tract you can cut it to the size of children's candy so that it sucks out until later, the disease mentioned above will soon disappear. Besides the content of ginger can also be useful for:

  • Digestive medicine
  • Anti-nausea
  • Rheumatism
    -Overcome bleeding
  • Snake bites
  • Respiratory problems
  • Even overcome baldness
  • and several other diseases not mentioned here.

Purut Orange Leaves

3. Purut Orange

In general, kaffir lime leaves themselves are made as a flavoring in a variety of food dishes, kaffir lime leaves are usually thinly sliced ​​first before use. Some foods that use kaffir lime leaves as aroma enhancer are soup, curry, rice, stir-fry, etc, which are very commonly used by everyone who cooks.

And in general, for Indonesians to apply in various ways, some are mixed with food, some are boiled, and some are eaten raw with other dry foods.

In the content of kaffir lime leaves contain several ingredients for health such as,

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • and several other elements that can treat diseases.

So there are some ingredients in kaffir lime leaves that can treat diseases such as:

  • Overcoming bad breath
  • Prevents bacteria
  • Maintain skin health
  • Maintaining healthy hair
  • and there are still many diseases that can be cured by kaffir lime leaves.

So if so the three herbs are put together in one drink, of course with the correct size and in accordance with health guidelines, the results can increase immunity from disease, and in personal experience during Lockdown our family consumed a mixture of these ingredients, and until that day our family is free from Covid disease19. However, further research is needed whether the mixture of these ingredients is the Covid19 antidote? It must be submitted to health experts to be examined again. This might be one of the new discoveries as a corona antiviral drug.

Wallahu 'alam bisshawab....

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Aceh, Indonesia
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focus otomatis
MI Note 8

Greetings from @p2hive



Yes, you're s right about these simple, humble foods being powerful anti-viral and immune boosting medicines.

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Thank you very much my best friend @naturalmedicine! You are very kind and considerate, thank you very much for your visit to my simple blog :-)


Nature has the cure for the virus but scientists want to have the credits and are looking to the wrong side.
